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Seahorse and his babies
By Min Seok Jeon
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Thorunna daniellae nudibranch_Nha Trang_March2024
 Canon100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Diver in a cave in france in sidemount config.
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posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Glossodoris cincta nudibranch_Nha Trang_Jan2024
 Canon100 1/200 f16 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)
Lionfish in the water column
By William Goers Jr
posted (2 days ago)
Caribbean Squid taking an interest in underwater photography
By William Goers Jr
posted (2 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: Koh Yippon

Underwater Photo Location: Koh Yippon

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
Koh Yippon is located at the northern extremes of the Angthong National Marine Park. This beautiful archipelago due west of Koh Samui consists of over 50 Islands and is world renowned for the area where the movie 'The Beach' was set.

The visibility here is often lower than at other dive sites but the snorkelling & diving combined with the stunningly picturesque topside scenery make an enjoyable day-trip.

Koh Yippon along with Koh Wao is the most popular area for diving and is noted for its shallow caves and swim-throughs, schools of fusiliers and its magnificent array of colorful soft corals and stingrays.

If you're a novice diver then this destination with its mild currents and shallow depths will provide a great days diving. Barracuda, Butterflyfish, Giant Grouper and the occasional reef shark.
Facts about Koh Yippon
  • It is in Thailand
  • Koh Yippon is in the South China Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Photo facilities

by Stefan Follows
You can hide but ya' can't run.... Raggy Scorpianfish - Scorpaenopsis venosa. Ang Thong Marine Park, Thailand. EM5-250-f14-iso200-Oly 12-50mm @ 43mm Macro-Inon D2000

by Stefan Follows
"Relax friends. Panic jerks!". Futurama. Reef Cuttlefish - Sepia latimanus. Ang Thong, Thailand-EM5-1/250-7.1-iso200-Inon D2000

by Stefan Follows
"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." Albert Einstein. Wart Slug - Phyllidiella nigra. Ang Thong, Thailand-EM5-1/160-f8-iso200-Inon D2000

by Stefan Follows
Charge.....! Nudibranch - Jorunna funebris. Ang Thong, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f5.6-iso200-Inon D2000 -

by Stefan Follows
"My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I am right." Ashleigh Brilliant. Ang Thong Marine Park, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f5.6-iso200-Inon D2000-Inon UCL 165-H2O Tools+5x2

by Stefan Follows
Mr Grumpy Pants. Banded Toadfish - Halophryne diemensis. Ang Thong, Thailand-EM5-Oly 12-50mm-1/160-f8-iso200-Inon D2000

by Stefan Follows
"Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel." Jimi Hendrix. Nudibranch - Jorunna funebris. Ang Thong, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f2.8-iso200-Inon D2000

by Stefan Follows
Lost in Space ... Glass Cleaner Shrimp - Urocaridella sp. Ang Thong, Gulf of Thailand, EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f5.6-iso200-Inon D2000-Inon UCL 165-h2o tools+5 x2

by Stefan Follows
"The only Zen you can find on the tops of mountains is the Zen you bring up there." Robert M. Pirsig. Ang Thong, Thailand-EM5-Panasonic 8mm-iso800-f5.6-1/125

by Stefan Follows
Sufferance ... Black and Silver Cuapetes Shrimp - Cuapetes grandis. Ang Thong, Gulf of Thailand, EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f5.6-iso200-Inon D2000-Inon UCL 165-h2o tools+5 x2

by Stefan Follows
The Portal ... Ang Thong, Thailand-EM5-Panasonic 8mm-iso800-f5.6-1/125

by Stefan Follows
Curiosity ... Parablennius sp. Ang Thong, Gulf of Thailand, EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f5.6-iso200-Inon D2000-Inon UCL 165-h2o tools+5 x2

by Stefan Follows
Smile ... ! Nudibranch - Hypselodoris tryoni. Ang Thong, Gulf of Thailand, EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f22-iso200-Inon D2000-Inon UCL 165

by Stefan Follows
I Know Kung Fu ... ! Ang Thong, Thailand-EM5-Panasonic 8mm-iso800-f5.6-1/125

by Stefan Follows
Scrambled ... ! Wart Slug - Phyllidia sp. Ang Thong, Gulf of Thailand, EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f18-iso100-Inon D2000

by Stefan Follows
One Way or Another ... Ang Thong, Thailand-EM5-Panasonic 8mm-iso800-f5.6-1/125

by Stefan Follows
The Way Of ... ? Hin Yippon, Ang Thong, Thailand-EM5-Panasonic 8mm-iso800-f5.6-1/125

by Stefan Follows
"From there to here, and here to there, funny things are everywhere." Dr. Seuss. Wart Slug - Phyllidia sp. Ang Thong, Gulf of Thailand, EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f18-iso100-Inon D2000

by Stefan Follows
Rhapsody in Blue. Nudibranch - Jorunna funebris. Ang Thong, Gulf of Thailand, EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f2.8-iso200-Inon D2000

by Stefan Follows
Rolling Stone ... ! Nudibranch - Hypselodoris tryon. Ang Thong, Gulf of Thailand, EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f22-iso200-Inon D2000

by Stefan Follows
"Instinct is the nose of the mind." Delphine de Girardin. Wart Slug - Phyllidia sp. Ang Thong, Gulf of Thailand, EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f18-iso100-Inon D2000

by Stefan Follows
Inch by Inch. Nudibranch - Hypselodoris tryoni. Ang Thong, Gulf of Thailand, EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f22-iso200-Inon D2000

by Stefan Follows
Spot! Blue Spotted Ribbontail Ray - Taeniura lymma. Ang Thong, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f14-iso100-Inon D2000x2

by Stefan Follows
"I pity the fool!" Mr. T. Wart Slug - Phyllidia sp. Ang Thong, Gulf of Thailand, EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f18-iso100-Inon D2000

by Stefan Follows
Eye Level. Black and Silver Cuapetes Shrimp - Cuapetes grandis. Ang Thong, Gulf of Thailand, EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f5.6-iso200-Inon D2000-Inon UCL165-H2O Tools+5x2

by Stefan Follows
One for the Road. Hin Yippon, Ang Thong, Thailand-EM5-Panasonic 8mm-iso800-f5.6-1/125

by Stefan Follows
Hearts Desire ... or ... If I see one more picture of a diver in silhouette holding a torch I'll scream ;) Ang Thong, Thailand-EM5-Lumix 8mm-1/80-f8-iso800

by Stefan Follows
Solitude is independence - H. Hesse. Porcelain Crab - Porcellanidae sp. Ang Thong, Thailand-EM5-Oly 12-50-iso200-f8-1/250-Inon D2000x2-Inon UCL 165-h2o tools+5x2

by Stefan Follows
The person who doesn't scatter the morning dew will not comb gray hairs - Hunter S. Thompson. Ang Thong Marine Park, Thailand. Sun rise dive.

by Stefan Follows
Heart of Fire. Tube Anemone - Cerianthus sp. Ang Thong, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-iso200-f5.6-1/60-Inon D2000x2

by Stefan Follows
Fool on the Hill. Xeno Crab - Xenocarcinus tuberculatus. Ang Thong, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-iso200-f8-1/250-Inon D2000x2

by Stefan Follows
Sunset sucks. It's all about the rise ... "The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don't go back to sleep." - Rumi. Ang Thong, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-iso200-f4.5-1/160

by Stefan Follows
You cannot teach a crab to walk straight - Aristophanes. Porcelain Crab - Porcellanidae sp. Ang Thong, Thailand-EM5-Oly 12-50-iso200-f8-1/250-Inon D2000x2-Inon UCL 165-h2o tools+5x2

by Stefan Follows
Playing with Fire. Tube Anemone - Cerianthus sp. Ang Thong, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-iso200-f5.6-1/60-Inon D2000x2-Inon Photoshop/Lightroom

by Stefan Follows
You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be led. Stan Laurel. Ang Thong, Thailand-EM5-Lumix 8mm-1125-f4-iso800

by Stefan Follows
'Breakout' ... ! Wart Slug - Phyllidia sp. Ang Thong, Gulf of Thailand, EM5-Oly 60mm-1250-f18-iso100-Inon D2000

by Stefan Follows
Hanging ... Tube Anemone - Cerianthus sp. Ang Thong, Thailand

by Stefan Follows
Accompaniment Big Eye Snapper - Lutjanus lutjanus Ang Thong, Thailand

by Stefan Follows
Curiosity Variable Fangblenny Blenny - Petroscirtes Variabilis Ang Thong, Thailand

by Stefan Follows
Edgy Xeno Crab - Xenocarcinus tuberculatus Ang Thong, Thailand

by Stefan Follows
Sunrise Ang Thong, Thailand
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