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Seahorse and his babies
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posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
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 Canon100 1/200 f18 iso100
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posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
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 Canon100 1/200 f16 iso100
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Caribbean Squid taking an interest in underwater photography
By William Goers Jr
posted (2 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: Chaloklum Pier

Underwater Photo Location: Chaloklum Pier

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
The local government pier where fishing and diving boat depart and arrive during the day. As a dive site it would only be recommended for the lovers of the small, weird and macro as visibility is often limited to under 5m. However, for the macro lover and photographer it is a treasure trove. Some of the local dive shops offer it as a night dive.
Facts about Chaloklum Pier
  • It is in Thailand
  • Chaloklum Pier is in the South China Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-10 Metres 0-30 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 0-3 Metres 0-10 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Photo facilities

by Stefan Follows
Its all in the details. Cushion Seastar - Culcita Novaguineae. Sail Rock, Thailand. EM5-125-f18-iso200-Inon D2000-Inon UCL165

by Stefan Follows
Fingered Dragonet - Dactylopus dactylopus. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-oly 12-50mm @ 43mm-250-f6-iso200-Inon D2000-Inon UCL 165

by Stefan Follows
Greetings...! Porcelain Crab - Porcellanidae sp. Mae Haad-Thailand-EM5-NAEM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f4.5-iso200-Inon D2000-Inon UCL165-2xH20+5

by Stefan Follows
Coconut Octopus - Amphioctopus marginatus. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-1/250-f7.1-iso200-Inon D2000

by Stefan Follows
"We sit in the mud... and reach for the stars." Ivan Turgenev. Branching Sea Cucumber - Pentacta sp. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-1/250-f8-iso200-Inon D2000-Inon UCL165

by Stefan Follows
Happy Place. Feather Star - Crinoid sp. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f5.6-iso200-Inon D2000-Inon UCL 165

by Stefan Follows
"..Big stuff is cool...the small stuff rules" S.F. Brittle Star - Ophiurida sp. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f2.8-iso200-Inon D2000-Inon UCL 165-H2O Tools+5x2

by Stefan Follows
"You never get tired unless you stop and take time for it." Bob Hope. Nudibranch - Hypselodoris kanga Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/160-f4.5-iso200-Inon D2000-Inon UCL 165

by Stefan Follows
In the tube. Indian Anchovy - Tolephorus indicus. Chaloklum Pier, Koh Pha Ngan, Thailand. EM5-250-f6.3-iso200 Oly 12-50mm @ 12mm-Inon D2000

by Stefan Follows
"The one thing that can solve most of our problems is dancing." James Brown. Longfin Batfish - Platax teira. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Panasonic 8mm-iso200-f8-1/160-Inon D2000

by Stefan Follows
"Maybe that's what life is... a wink of the eye and winking stars.". Jack Kerouac. Bluespotted Ray - Dasyatis kuhlii. Chaloklum Bay, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f5.6-iso100-Inon D2000-Inon UCL 165-H2O Tools+5x2

by Stefan Follows
"The home should be the treasure chest of living." Le Corbusier. Variable Fangblenny Blenny - Petroscirtes Variabilis. Chaloklum Bay, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f3.5-iso100-Inon D2000-Inon UCL 165-H2O Tools+5x2

by Stefan Follows
"Style is a fraud. I always felt the Greeks were hiding behind their columns." Willem de Kooning. Variable Fangblenny - Petroscirtes Variabilis. Chaloklum Bay, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f3.5-iso100-Inon D2000-Inon UCL 165-H2O Tools+5x2

by Stefan Follows
Just Blendin'. Coconut Octopus - Amphioctopus marginatus? Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f3.5-iso100-Inon D2000-Inon

by Stefan Follows
"Morning comes whether you set the alarm or not." Ursula K. Le Guin. Octopus, Coconut - Amphioctopus marginatus. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/160-f2.8-iso100-Inon D2000-Inon UCL 165-H20 Tools+5x2

by Stefan Follows
"With a bit of a mind flip ... " Time Warp. Nudibranch - Hypselodoris kanga. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/160-f8-iso100-Inon D2000-Inon UCL 165-H20 Tools+5x2

by Stefan Follows
"Our life is frittered away by detail... simplify, simplify." Henry David Thoreau. Nudibranch - Hypselodoris kanga. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/160-f2.8-iso100-Inon D2000-Inon UCL 165-H2o Tools +5x2

by Stefan Follows
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." Groucho Marx. Coconut Octopus - Amphioctopus marginatus. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/100-18-iso200-Inon D2000

by Stefan Follows
"You can't study the darkness by flooding it with light." Edward Abbey. Nudibranch - Hypselodoris kanga. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/160-f2.8-iso100-Inon D2000-Inon UCL 165-H2oTools+5x2

by Stefan Follows
"The eye altering, alters all." William Blake. Coconut Octopus - Amphioctopus marginatus. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/20-f11-iso200-Inon D2000-

by Stefan Follows
"I am an unpopular electric eel in a pool of catfish." Edith Sitwell. Striped Catfish - Plotosus lineatus. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f5.6-iso200-Inon D2000

by Stefan Follows
"Once upon a time in a galaxy far far away ... " Sea Urchin - Diadema antillarum. Mae Haad, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/125-f2.8-iso200-Inon D2000- Home made fiber optic snoot - Lightroom - SliverEfex

by Stefan Follows
Angelic Upstart ... Sea Pen Shrimp - Latreutes sp. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/160-f2.8-iso200-Inon D2000- -Inon UCL165-H2oToolsx2

by Stefan Follows
"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act." George Orwell. Reef Crab - Callinectes sp. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/80-f2.8-iso200-Inon D2000- -Inon UCL165-H2oToolsx2

by Stefan Follows
Natural light softness ... Sea Hare - Anaspidea sp. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/500-f2.8-iso200

by Stefan Follows
Watcher ... Anemone Shrimp - Ancylomenes holthuisi. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f4.5-iso200-Inon D2000- -Inon UCL165-H2oToolsx2

by Stefan Follows
"No object is so beautiful that, under certain conditions, it will not look ugly." Oscar Wilde. Scorpionfish. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 12-50mm-1/250-f11-iso200-Inon D2000

by Stefan Follows
"Those that I fight I do not hate, those that I guard I do not love." William Butler Yeats. Help with an ID for this wee fella? Chaloklum, Gulf of Thailand, EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f5.6-iso100-Inon D2000-Inon UCL 165-h2o tools +5x2 -

by Stefan Follows
"Everything starts from a dot." Wassily Kandinsky. Black and Silver Cuapetes Shrimp - Cuapetes grandis. Chaloklum, Gulf of Thailand, EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f5.6-iso200-Inon D2000-Inon UCL 165-h2o tools+5 x2

by Stefan Follows
"Primordial... deep cold... way below the line..." Alien. Hydroid Crab - Hyastenus sp. Chaloklum, Gulf of Thailand, EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f5.6-iso200-Inon D2000-Inon UCL 165-h2o tools+5 x2

by Stefan Follows
Eye to Eye ... Sea Hare - Aplysia parvula. Chaloklum, Gulf of Thailand, EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f3.2-iso200-non UCL 165-h2o tools+5 x2

by Stefan Follows
I've got a crown, got a very nice one and its here on my head ... Blenny - Parablennius sp. Chaloklum, Gulf of Thailand, EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f5.6-iso100-Inon D2000-Inon UCL 165-h2o tools +5x2

by Stefan Follows
Yellow ... ! Hydroid Crab - Hyastenus sp. Chaloklum, Gulf of Thailand, EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f5.6-iso200-Inon D2000-Inon UCL 165-h2o tools+5 x2

by Stefan Follows
Balancing Act ... Black and Silver Cuapetes Shrimp - Cuapetes grandis. Chaloklum, Gulf of Thailand, EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f5.6-iso200-Inon D2000-Inon UCL 165-h2o tools+5 x2

by Stefan Follows
Just Blendin' ... Hydroid Crab - Hyastenus sp. Chaloklum, Gulf of Thailand, EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f5.6-iso200-Inon D2000-Inon UCL 165-h2o tools+5 x2

by Stefan Follows
The Spear ... Nudibranch - Phidiana militaris. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/160-f16-iso100-Inon D2000

by Stefan Follows
Come closer! Closer! A little more closer! Wait, okay, that's too close. Take a step back, a little half step. Right there ... King Julien. Blenny - Parablennius sp. Chaloklum, Gulf of Thailand, EM5-Oly60mm-1/250-f5.6-iso100-Inon D2000-InonUCL 165

by Stefan Follows
Indiscernible ... ? Black and Silver Cuapetes Shrimp - Cuapetes grandis. Chaloklum, Gulf of Thailand, EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f5.6-iso200-Inon D2000-Inon UCL 165-h2o tools+5 x2

by Stefan Follows
Dangler ... ! Sea Pen Shrimp - Latreutes sp. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/160-f2.8-iso200-Inon D2000- -Inon UCL165-H2oToolsx2

by Stefan Follows
"Laugh it up, Fuzz ball." Han Solo. Nudibranch - Dendrodoris denisoni. Chaloklum, Thailand-G10-1/500-f8-iso80-UCL165-Inon D2000

by Stefan Follows
Softly Softly. Sea Hare - Aplysia parvula. Chaloklum, Gulf of Thailand, EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f3.2-iso200

by Stefan Follows
My God, it's full of stars! Wire Coral Shrimp - Pontonides uncigeri. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f8-iso100-Inon D2000x2-Inon UCL 165-h2o tools+5 x2

by Stefan Follows
Grrrrrr ... ! Cardinalfish - Apogonidae sp. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f8-iso100-Inon D2000x2

by Stefan Follows
“Don't have a cow, Man!” Crab - Schizophrys sp. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f8-iso100-Inon D2000x2

by Stefan Follows
Run Lola Run. Coconut Octopus - Amphioctopus marginatus. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f3.5-iso200

by Stefan Follows
Dark Side of the Moon. Wire Coral Shrimp - Pontonides uncigeri. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f8-iso100-Inon D2000x2-Inon UCL 165-h2o tools+5 x2

by Stefan Follows
Just Grazin'. Nudibranch - Hypselodoris kanga. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/125-f8-iso100-UCL165-H2oToolsx2 -Inon D2000x2

by Alan Duncan
A small Coconut Octopus (Amphioctopus marginatus) hides in a discarded Coca Cola bottle beneath Chaloklum pier, Koh Phangan, Thailand.

by Stefan Follows
Pastel Princess. Sea Hare - Aplysia oculifera. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/500-f2.8-iso200

by Stefan Follows
In my Solitude ... ! Cardinalfish - Apogonidae sp. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f8-iso100-Inon D2000x2

by Stefan Follows
Disconsolate. Coconut Octopus - Amphioctopus marginatus. Chaloklum, Thailand-EM5-Oly 60mm-1160-f11-iso200-Inon D2000

by Stefan Follows
Sneaky ... ! Coconut Octopus - Amphioctopus marginatus. Chaloklum, Gulf of Thailand, EM5-Oly 60mm-1/250-f4-iso200

by Stefan Follows
Hideaway ... Coconut Octopus - Amphioctopus marginatus Chaloklum Bay, Thailand

by Stefan Follows
On the Wire Sawblade Shrimp - Tozeuma armatum Chalolum, Thailand

by Stefan Follows
Bonny Nudibranch - Chromodoris preciosa Chalolum, Thailand

by Stefan Follows
Stalker Sawblade Shrimp - Tozeuma armatum Chalolum, Thailand

by Stefan Follows
Suspension ... Sawblade Shrimp - Tozeuma armatum Chaloklum, Thailand

by Stefan Follows
Isolation Octopus says "Stay Home" Coconut Octopus - Amphioctopus marginatus Chaloklum, Thailand

by Stefan Follows
Well, that was awkward! Coconut Octopus - Amphioctopus marginatus Chaloklum, Thailand

by Stefan Follows
'Where there's muck there's brass' Banded pipefish - Dunckerocampus dactyliophorus Koh Pha Ngan, Thailand

by Stefan Follows
Green Lantern Coconut Octopus - Amphioctopus marginatus Chaloklum, Thailand

by Stefan Follows
Reconciliation Tuberculate Night Anemone, - Alicia sansibarensis Chaloklum Bay, Thailand

by Stefan Follows
Living in cages tall and cold Pinnate Batfish - Platax pinnatus (juvenile) Chaloklum Pier, Thailand
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