Latest Contest entries
Seahorse and his babies
By Min Seok Jeon
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Thorunna daniellae nudibranch_Nha Trang_March2024
 Canon100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Diver in a cave in france in sidemount config.
By Andy Kutsch
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Glossodoris cincta nudibranch_Nha Trang_Jan2024
 Canon100 1/200 f16 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)
Lionfish in the water column
By William Goers Jr
posted (2 days ago)
Caribbean Squid taking an interest in underwater photography
By William Goers Jr
posted (2 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: Aliwall Shoal

Underwater Photo Location: Aliwall Shoal

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Open Ocean
Facts about Aliwall Shoal

by Eduardo Acevedo
Aliwall Shoal, South Africa.

by Allen Walker
A different take on the bow of the Produce showing off its spectacular fish life!!

by Geo Cloete
~ Green and Gold ~

by Allen Walker
"The Approach" Taken during a natural predation event of an Humpback Whale Carcass, no cages, just 2 to 3 GW's, 15+ Tigers, Bulls, Dusky's and Oceanic Black tips, a whale carcass and a few divers (who may be a little crazy)

by Allen Walker
"Submerge" Oceanic Black Tip breaks the surface to then drop down below again in an attempt to feed on some fish close to the surface.

by Michal Stros
Space-time gate

by Marco Calvani
Shark dive. Close up with a black tip

by Marco Calvani
While diving, can happen to get current aside...that's the result for those hanging the buoy

by Allen Walker

by Allen Walker
A Raggie gathering at Cathedral
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