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8174 Entries Found: Page 222  of  409


   United States  Pacific
great diving

more info about Maui including maps, reviews, and ratings...

La Francisco

   Mexico  Gulf Of Mexico
Current was ripping will be my last trip to Cozumel

more info about La Francisco including maps, reviews, and ratings...


   Ukraine  Black Sea
Children diving was 30 years ago...

more info about Vesioloie including maps, reviews, and ratings...shorecavesmallairmacrowideangle

batu balong

   Indonesia  Flores Sea
Sweetlips on the coral...

more info about batu balong including maps, reviews, and ratings...Liveaboardbigcoralairwideangle

Marmara Island

   Turkey  Sea of Marmara

more info about Marmara Island including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatsmallairwideangle

Horseshoe Reef

   Mexico  Gulf Of Mexico
Strong Currents

more info about Horseshoe Reef including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatairnitroxguidedfriendly


   Indonesia  Molucca Sea
Periclemenes cf. imperator

more info about Jahir-1 including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatbigairmacro

Feery Channel padang bai bali

good for dive little bit wave....

more info about Feery Channel padang bai bali including maps, reviews, and ratings...shorecoralairinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideangle

Big Horseshoe Reef

   Mexico  Gulf Of Mexico
Paradise Divers in Cozumel have great DM's but the boats are slow and the store staff are horrible. Current was ripping all week. I'd recommend Bonaire or Grand Cayman

more info about Big Horseshoe Reef including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatnightdriftsmallturtlescoralnitroxinstruction

Riviera Maya

   Mexico  Caribbean Sea

more info about Riviera Maya including maps, reviews, and ratings...


   Turkey  Aegean Sea
underwater life

more info about SAROS including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatsmallairmacro


Wreck dive at Gudrun in Flekkefjord.

more info about Flekkefjord including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatwrecknightdrysuitsmallmacrowideanglefilm



more info about Gosausee including maps, reviews, and ratings...shorecavewallnightdrysuitfreshwatericesmallairmacrowideangle


   United States  Atlantic (North American coastal)
Tunnels, off of Jupiter in Florida, has a lot of ledges and swim-throughs. It is locally famous for the larger species of sea life--turtles, goliath grouper and reef sharks.

more info about Tunnels including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Turtle Reef

   Saint Kitts and Nevis  Gulf Of Mexico
Although Turtle reef is a very shallow dive, it is full of wildlife and corals. It is still a pristine reef.

more info about Turtle Reef including maps, reviews, and ratings...Liveaboardsmallturtlescoralkelpairguidedfriendlywideangle


Bridge dive between sealand and fyn.

more info about Storebæltsbroen including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatdrysuitsmallmacrowideanglefilm

Finnish Rock Inis Oirr

   Ireland  Atlantic (European coastal)
Boat dive, Reef runs in line with the Island.

more info about Finnish Rock Inis Oirr including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatwall

The fuel jetty

   Indonesia  Ceram Sea
The eyes of puffer fish... (Conthigaster cf solandri.)

more info about The fuel jetty including maps, reviews, and ratings...Liveaboardbigairmacro


Dive at the bridge between sealand and fyn.

more info about Storebælt. including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatdriftbigsmallmacrofilm


   Cuba  Caribbean Sea
It was absolutely amazing!

more info about Cuba including maps, reviews, and ratings...sharksturtlescoral
8174 Entries Found: Page 222  of  409