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Mexico Caribbean SeaCenote Coop One , Quintana Roo, Mexico
more info about Cenote Coop One including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Maldives Indian OceanOne of the channels
more info about Huvadhu atoll including maps, reviews, and ratings...

United States PacificAmazing vertical walls
more info about Lehua including maps, reviews, and ratings...
Cuba Caribbean Seasmall wooden wrecks, school of tarpons, caribean reef sharks, barracudas, grupers.small nudibranch
more info about five sea, gardens of the queen, cuba including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Mexico Caribbean SeaEvery winter a large gruop of female bull sharks visit the mahican caribbean.
more info about SHARK POINT including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Cuba Caribbean Seared mangrobe channel, silverside fish, sardine, stingrays, schoolmasters, barracudas, cubera snappers.
more info about cayo anclitas,cuba , gardens of the queen. including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Greece Aegean SeaCavern & Cave Diving Site. The imposing rock, thermal waters, the labyrinthine underwater tunnels and the lush vegetation compose an unmatched geological phenomenon. The Lake took its present form after the roof of its cave fell because of erosion caused by the high temperature of the running water. The Lake is part of the National NATURA 2000 list and characterized by the Ministry of Culture as a Site of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
more info about Vouliagmeni Lake & Cave including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Cuba Caribbean Seamangrove chanel, with some residen americium cocodrilo.
more info about canal de boca de piedra, cuba, grdens of the queen. including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Finland Baltic SeaThe Kymijoki River only concerned photography
more info about Langinkoski including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Cuba Caribbean Seacoral reef between 8 and 22 meters, caribean reef sharks, groupers, anemones, school of tarpons, turtles, stingrays, nassau grupers, black coral colonys, nidibrach.
more info about los mogotes, gardens of the queen,cuba including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Spain Alboran Seainmersión del embarcadero
more info about buceo@calahonda including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Cuba Caribbean Seadiving spot,between 5 and 21 meters, pilar coral, cleaning stations, groupers, caribean reef sharks, nurse sharks, tarpons, stingray,goliath groupers.
more info about Octopus Cave, Gardens of the queen. including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Cuba Caribbean Seasmall wall between 10 and 23 meters, barracudas , stingray , lobters, crabs, caribean reef sharks, horse eye jacks.
more info about Patrizia, Gardens of the queen including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Cuba Caribbean SeaSilky sharks, caribbean reef sharks, groupers, tarpons , eagle rays, turtle.
more info about Pipin, Gradens of the Queen, cuba including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Cuba Caribbean Seaa silky shark place, coral canyons, turtle, goliath groupers, school of horse eye jack.
more info about El Farallon, Gardens of the queen, cuba including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Cuba Caribbean Seasmall wall between, 7 and 24 meters, groupers, caribbean reef sharks, turtles, big sponges, barracudas, stingrays.
more info about patrizia, gardens of the queen, cuba including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Cuba Caribbean Seacaribean reef sharks, tarpons, schoolmasters, stingray, small cave with silver side fish.
more info about Octopus Cave, Gardens of the queen, cuba including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Cuba Caribbean Seainside a mangrove chanel you can interact with some american crocodile, is safe in this place. We are doing that for more tham 8 years. you most go with specialize, dive master
more info about boca de piedra, Gardens of the queen, cuba including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Indonesia Bali Seasalem
more info about Salem including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Cuba Caribbean Seaoctocoral,nikon D800E , tokina lens 10-17mm at 15mm, two strobe ikelite DS125, housing aquatica.
more info about los mogotes, Gardens of the queen, cuba including maps, reviews, and ratings...