Latest Contest entries
Samla bicolor nudibranch_February 2025
 CanonEF100 1/200 f22 iso200
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (This month)
Nudibranchs Thecacera picta  in the process of copulate
By Oksana Maksymova
posted (2 days ago)
Goniobranchus quadricolor_January 2025
 CanonEF100 1/200 f11 iso200
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (4 days ago)
I took this photo of a loggerhead sea turtle freediving off the coast of Belize. Shot with a Sony 6700 in a nauticam housing.
By Jack Angele
posted (5 days ago)
I took this photo of a loggerhead sea turtle freediving off the coast of Belize. Shot with a Sony 6700 in a nauticam housing.
By Jack Angele
posted (5 days ago)
Blackchin Guitarfish   Glaucostegus cemiculus  formerly Rhinobatos cemiculus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (5 days ago)

Atlantic (South America coastal) Underwater Photo Sites

50 Entries Found: Page 1  of  3
outside, South Africa
Dragão Wreck, Brazil
Ilha Grande, Brazil
Garopaba, Brazil
Abrolhos, Brazil
Brazil! Bahia. Abrolhos islands, Brazil
Gropaba! Macuco falls, Brazil
Abrolhos islands, Brazil
Sharks Reef Deerfield Beach FL, United States
martinique, Martinique
Hilma Hooker, Venezuela
Windsock, Bonaire, Venezuela
Something Special, Bonaire, Venezuela
Black Rock, Utila, Honduras
Hilma Hooker, Bonaire, Venezuela
Octopus Garden Hotel Reef, Panama
Oil Slick Leap, Aruba
Barra da Tijuca beach, Brazil
Papagaio Irland, Brazil
Shore Dive off of Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles
50 Entries Found: Page 1  of  3
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