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The image shows an underwater shot in which a diver can be seen in a clear water environment. The scene is characterized by green vegetation and slime angels that cover the ground and individual branches. The water has an intense  turquoise blue colo
By Martin Schrack
posted 04:14 CST Today (8 hours ago)
Columns of volcanically heated bubbles rising to the surface at Champagne reef in the Soufriere Scotts Head Marine Reserve
By Arun Madisetti
posted Yesterday
This picture was taken in Koh Bon Bay  Thailand  in the Andaman Sea. It was a sunny day with great visibility and a surprising encounter with a school of batfish.
By Steven Ismailovic
posted Yesterday
Pair of Cratena peregrina_September 2024
 CanonEF100 1/200 f16 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Yesterday
This picture was taken in Koh Bon Bay  Thailand  in the Andaman Sea. It was a sunny day with great visibility and a surprising encounter with a school of batfish.
By Steven Ismailovic
posted (2 days ago)
Blackwater Seahorse
By Lindsey Mobley
posted (3 days ago)

Indian Ocean Underwater Photo Sites (20)

445 Entries Found: Page 20  of  23
Miaru Gala Tila, Maldives
North Reef, Australia
Bassas da India, Mozambique
Moonie 3, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Shayne's, Zanzibar, Tanzania
Fusj tilla - Maldives, Maldives
Angagga, Southern Atoll, Maldives
Batu Kelabit, Bali, Indonesia, Indonesia
Bell Bouy, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Fihalhohi Island, Maldives
Mango Bay , Koh Tao, Thailand
Rameez Place, Baros, Maldives
Banana Reef, Baros, Maldives
Chaaya Island, Maldives
Avalanche Reef, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Caravella, Mauritius
various, Maldives
Elusive Reef, Rocktail Bay, South Africa
Scotsman's Reef, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Fish Head, Maldives
445 Entries Found: Page 20  of  23
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