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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Zaid Fadul (2)

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Peoples' Vote

Biting off more than you can chew
By Zaid Fadul
posted Wednesday, December 12, 2007
21 votes

Oceanic White Tip making his final approach for landing...
By Zaid Fadul
posted Sunday, April 2, 2006
16 votes

I noticed this batfish yawn once from a distance. I got into position and waited, and waited, and waited some more. After about 10 minutes he yawned again and I was able to catch it =)
By Zaid Fadul
posted Wednesday, March 1, 2006
13 votes

Thsi Oceanic White Tip split my friend and I apart while we were diving under the boat. Fortunately, we were both photographers and caught the
By Zaid Fadul
posted Tuesday, March 7, 2006
12 votes

This is the pier from before, except viewed from the Lighthouse. I thought it an interesting way to frame the shot =)
By Zaid Fadul
posted Saturday, March 11, 2006
10 votes

This Sea Thimble is about the size of my thumb tip. Its larva is the cause of many a divers friend, sea lice. It made the safety stop a lot more interesting =)
By Zaid Fadul
posted Sunday, March 12, 2006
10 votes

Oyster Toadfish and his big juicy lips =)
By Zaid Fadul
posted Monday, August 7, 2006
10 votes

Southern stingray closeup while he was buried in the sand.
By Zaid Fadul
posted Wednesday, October 4, 2006
10 votes

Anything you can see through is automatically cool in my book. Especially when its a shrimp...
By Zaid Fadul
posted Sunday, September 3, 2006
9 votes

Rough Fileclams are the underwater version of venus flytraps
By Zaid Fadul
posted Thursday, October 26, 2006
9 votes
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138 Entries Found: Page 2  of  6
Rock beauties are generally very shy and hard to photo. Unless of course you sit and wait and dont breathe for 5 minutes until they come by =)
Red boring sponges are anything but for a photogrpaher ;-)
My dive buddy astutely observing water while a comb jelly swims by
Honky Lips in all his glory =)
Red boring sponge with a juvenile sponge brittle star making himself comfortable.
Star plate coral has fascinating formations in the center of the plate growth.
Off of Cabo San Lucas there are many sea lions and they seem to have found their spot in the sun =)
Spotted drums are one of the more distinctly patterned fish in the Caribbean.
If you could imitate a smile with your body, I would suspect this to be the pose =)
The eye of this scarlet reef shrimp was simply mesmerizing. I stumbled upon a cleaning station before I knew what happened.
Nemo and his son.
Anything you can see through is automatically cool in my book. Especially when its a shrimp...
Trigger of this filefish.
Closeup of "Black Coral" that is sadly so commonly harvested for jewelry.
Schooling barracuda are always the best...
This octopus was in the process of eating this queen conch. Definitely something to see.
Golden silk spider hangs out near marshes. Their web is strong enough to hold a flying fish were it to jump into it.
I found this angle to simply be captivating. Vote for it if you think so too...
Ready for my close-up =)
It is usually hard to catch the many colors in the scales of a Black Durgon. It only shows up at a particular angle looking at the fish.
Portrait ofa common reef pctopus
Piece of the German Sub U-352 in North Carolina. All kinds of life have overgrown it.
I creeped a little too close to this juvenile undulated eel
Great Star Coral polyps during the day
Comb jellies use their cilias lined in rows for propulsion. If you get close enough, you will see the row light up like Xmas lights.
Look close, tell me what you see...
This banded coral shrimp has no qualms standing his ground.
138 Entries Found: Page 2  of  6