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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Cayman islands (30)

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Peoples' Vote

Vir philippinensis shrimp_Jan 2024
(Canon100, 1/200,f9,iso100)
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (5 days ago)
3 votes

Sperm Whales under permit off Dominica.
By Arun Madisetti
posted (4 days ago)
3 votes

LEmon Damsel with an attempt at a black background
Dahab, Egypt,
F7.1, 1/320, ISO 125 Canon G7X MkII, Inon S2000 strobe
By Alexandra Caine
posted (6 days ago)
2 votes

Mediterranean Flabellina_June2024
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (4 days ago)
2 votes

Phyllidia ocellata nudibranch_Nha Trang_March 2024
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)
2 votes

One of many, many popcorn shrimp inhabiting an anenome
Dahab, Egypy
Canon G7X MkII, 2x Inon S2000
F10, 1/320, ISO 125
By Alexandra Caine
posted (6 days ago)
1 votes

Caribbean Squid 
Bonfire dive
By Magali Marquez
posted (5 days ago)
1 votes

Intense orange for this specimen of Flabellina rubrolineata nudibranch , just over a centimeter long, photographed during diving in the sea of Goa_India_Dec2023
(Canon100, 1/200,f16,iso100)
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (4 days ago)
1 votes

Micro life on the Andaman sea_Blenny fish_April 2024
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)
1 votes

When spotting a whip coral check the surface of the coral if there is a variation in texture. It will probably be a whip coral shrimp as they are perfectly camouflaged with the coral’s colour and polyp structure.Jan_2024
By Susanna Randazzo
posted (2 days ago)
1 votes
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3155 Entries Found: Page 30  of  117
"Red Eye"
A close up shot of a Red Cling Fish. Achieved with a 100mm and +10 Diopter.
"Hiding in the Flowers"
This Red Cling Fish found a very pretty patch of Gorgonian to cling to.
"Lettuce Slug"
Finding one of these Sea Slugs on a nice colorful backdrop is rather rare. I was happy to take advantage of the colorful opportunity.
"Black Lines"
This Blackline Cyphoma is a rare find here in Cayman. We frequently see Flamingo Tongues, but its always a treat to see one of the uncommon cousins.
a super close up of a patch of Sergeant Major's eggs - shot while the father was off-guard!
"Face Paint"
This Scorpion Fish was in the perfect spot for a straight on Portrait. These subjects are very cooperative and generally sit still, but finding them is the trick.
"The Ladder"
A Whip Coral lit from the back.
"The Den"
My favorite shot of the invasive Lion Fish. We are seeing less and less of this hungry fish on the dive sites, but sometime I just can't help but snag a couple shots of them, they are very photogenic.
A school of Horse-eyed Jacks making moves around the Kittiwake.
A beautiful brittle star moving gently along the edge of a translucent sponge at night
The photographer's (my own) reflection in an air bubble rising to the surface. A most unusual selfie!
Some days the visibility here in Cayman really makes you sit back and enjoy.
"Jelly Fun"
Having some fun with this Upside Down Jelly at Starfish Point.
"Say O"
A rare shot for me. After all the Slender File Fish that I have had in front of my lens, I dont know if I have ever seen one with it's mouth open.
"Fin Up"
A close up of the same Blenny. Triple Fin's color and patterns make them one of my favorite little fish to find.
The best way to rest is to blend in and hide amongst the concave of one's environment.
"Size Matters"
This shot was possible with the use of a 100mm macro lens stacked with a Subsea =10 Diopter.
Black Coral Shrimp with eggs.
"Green Eyes"
A first time find for me here. I am having trouble identiyfing this crab just from our ID books. Not a bad day at the office, find something completely new to me and snag some good shots.
"The Pace"
A diver keeps pace with an Eagle Ray to grap the perfect shot.
"Dive Bomb"
We watched this Turtle surface, then headed into a swim through. As soon as I exited I looked up to find him heading straight for me. I quickly adjusted settings and pulled the shutter.
Love the bouquet of social feather duster worms...the colour is so delicate
Eye contact!
Getting up close & really personal with a cleaner shrimp.
Hanging by the "thread"
A resting Southern Stingray almost completely covered with sand.
"View from the Bottom"
The Wall on this site has so much life. Massive sponges and sea fans all full, healthy, and colorful.
Final RoundThrough to 2015 awards final round judging
Super close up of a Whip Coral.
3155 Entries Found: Page 30  of  117