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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries From The Atlantic (26)

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Peoples' Vote

Mediterranean Flabellina_October 2023
(Canon100, 1/250,f14,iso100)
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (6 days ago)
4 votes

Marbled Shrimp - Saron marmoratus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (6 days ago)
1 votes

,,Mountain lake,, in the heart of Austria
By Martin Schrack
posted (5 days ago)
1 votes

By Charly Clérisse
posted Yesterday
1 votes

Marbled Shrimp - Saron marmoratus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (4 days ago)
0 votes

Goniobranchus albonares nudibranch_Feb2024 (Canon100,1/200,f16,iso100)
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (3 days ago)
0 votes

Flabellina affinis_Oct 2023
By Antonio Venturelli
posted 04:46 CST Today (19 hours ago)
0 votes

Hypselodoris bullokii _March 2024
(Canon 100, 1/200,f16,iso100)
By Antonio Venturelli
posted 04:53 CST Today (19 hours ago)
0 votes

Yellow Umbrella Slug - Tylodina perversa
By Stefanos Michael
posted 09:59 CST Today (14 hours ago)
0 votes

About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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1143 Entries Found: Page 26  of  43
I saw this Flamingo Toungue Snail on some coral.
Compass Jellyfish, floating over sea grass.
the subject is a crab on a rock in san juans, Washington. the subject was taken by a sea & sea.
stingray city

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
Stingray City has produced some great u/w shots over the years
"chiarli e il suo pontile"450D+10-22 canon
Beautiful sea glass beach in Bermuda. Sea glass, also called mermaid's tears, is broken ceramics (bottles, plates, etc.) that have scoured along the bottom of the sea for years before landing on a beach.
Long-spined scorpion fish.
Aughrusmore, Connemara.
Little Cuttle.
Aughrusmore, Connemara.
Common prawn.
Aughrusmore Pier, Connemara.
60mm & wet diopter.
Wreck in Nassau, Bahamas
Two-spot Goby.
Aughrusbeg, Connemara.
15-spined stickleback.
Aughrusmore Pier, Connemara.
60mm wet diopter.
Squat lobster.
Isle of Lewis, Scotland.
Unknown anchor - Isles of Scilly
Little Cuttle - Sepiola atlantica.
Aughrusmore Pier, Connemara.
60mm, x2 t/c.
Diver on the wreck of the Hispania in the Sound of Mull
A starboard aft hull section from the Sonja Maersk lost during WWII near Halifax, Nova Scotia lies at 140 feet. Natural light, Nikonos V, 12mm Sea&Sea lens with Kodak 3200 ASA film. Scratches removed and cropped for subject in PS.
Compass jellyfish & juvenile whiting.
Hello Turtle
Herman the Green Sea Turtle
Dolphin in the Bahamas

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
I suspect this may not be a wild dolphin (and so should be out of contest) but Pam's a newbie and it's a cracker so I'll let it go...
Crab eating crab
Plumose anemones on reef in Loch Hourn, Scotland.
Long-clawed squat lobster.
Isle of Lewis, Hebrides.
Sean & his catch - 3 pollock.
Streamstown bay, Connemara.
Aughrusmore Pier, Connemara.
60mm & wet diopter.
Taken in only ten feet of water; West Palm Beach Florida
Olympus 7070 point & shoot camera with a Inon strobe.
1143 Entries Found: Page 26  of  43