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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries From The Philippine Sea (278)

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Peoples' Vote

By Charly Clérisse
posted (2 days ago)
2 votes

,,Mountain lake,, in the heart of Austria
By Martin Schrack
posted (6 days ago)
1 votes

Flabellina affinis_Oct 2023
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Yesterday
1 votes

Marbled Shrimp - Saron marmoratus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (5 days ago)
0 votes

Goniobranchus albonares nudibranch_Feb2024 (Canon100,1/200,f16,iso100)
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (4 days ago)
0 votes

Hypselodoris bullockii _March 2024
(Canon 100, 1/200,f16,iso100)
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Yesterday
0 votes

Yellow Umbrella Slug - Tylodina perversa
By Stefanos Michael
posted Yesterday
0 votes

Halgerda willeyi is a small sea slug with almost fluorescent colors. This is a shot of one, showing its rhinophores up close._Nha Trang_Vietnam_2024
By Antonio Venturelli
posted 08:59 CST Today (9 hours ago)
0 votes

About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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7605 Entries Found: Page 278  of  282
While I was trying to get a shot of the little yellow and black stripey thing, the two cuttles just barged in to the frame... cuttlefish etiquette ain't what it used to be...
'CLOSE ENCOUNTER' Late evening and headed for the surface with 2 shots remaining on the roll... and this. Housed Nikon F; 55mm auto-micro Nikkor lens. Enjoy!
The Smiling Slug - This little guy wouldn't stop smiling at the camera... zoom in.. have a look... you're in for a treat smile
Ths flambouyant cuttlefish was taken infront of Dive Solana, anilao, batangas, Philippines in 10meters of water.
Manta and Starfish combo...
My favourite nudi shot from the last trip... night dive in Malapascua. e900 and 2xmacros
Cuttlefish freeswimming in the Philippine Sea... Malapascua Island... E900
Such a wide variety of these lil guys.
Daniel Vich finds the only fan coral at 150 feet looking down the Marianas trench.
Puerto Galera.
A buddy of mine exiting the grotto to the Phillipine Sea in Saipan. Used a Nikonos V, no strobe.
Bewildered looking stonefish raising an eyebrow ... Fuji E900 and all the trimmings..
Turtle in cave
Gold Medal Gold Medal 2006
Winner Monthly HotShots

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
The hardest thing to do is take a simple portrait. Well done Martin
Here's something you don't see every day... this frogfish tried to swallow a stonefish that was bigger that it. Both were dead !!! How macabre...
Hyselodoris Bullockii, photo taken at Anilao, Batangas, P... by Doy Tan
by: Doy Tan
Hyselodoris Bullockii, photo taken at Anilao, Batangas, Philippines. Fujifilm F11, Inon macro lens, Inon Z-240 strobe
Shiny guts whip goby ... can't believe it stayed still long enough to get this close !!
Lactoria Comuta - (cow fish??) Taken on a night dive @ Ba... by Doy Tan
by: Doy Tan
Lactoria Comuta - (cow fish??) Taken on a night dive @ Basura, Anilao, Mabini, Batangas Philippines, depth of 5-9meters, Fujifilm F11 with Inon Z-240 external strobe
Resting after a good meal...
This was shot in Anilao, PI.
Dumb looking orange frogfish hanging from the underside of an overhang.. buoyancy tester.. Gato Island.. Philies
This Manitis was more curious than threatening.
This eye is all that I could see of a Blue Spotted Ray under the sand.
I took a few photos of this guy and he looks like he has had enough pictures taken for one day...
Harlequin crab on a coral head... gotta love his eyes...
This is from the Philippines.
Puerto Galera, Philippines.
7605 Entries Found: Page 278  of  282