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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries From The Molucca Sea (35)

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Peoples' Vote

By Charly Clérisse
posted (2 days ago)
2 votes

,,Mountain lake,, in the heart of Austria
By Martin Schrack
posted (6 days ago)
1 votes

Flabellina affinis_Oct 2023
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Yesterday
1 votes

Marbled Shrimp - Saron marmoratus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (5 days ago)
0 votes

Goniobranchus albonares nudibranch_Feb2024 (Canon100,1/200,f16,iso100)
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (4 days ago)
0 votes

Hypselodoris bullockii _March 2024
(Canon 100, 1/200,f16,iso100)
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Yesterday
0 votes

Yellow Umbrella Slug - Tylodina perversa
By Stefanos Michael
posted Yesterday
0 votes

Halgerda willeyi is a small sea slug with almost fluorescent colors. This is a shot of one, showing its rhinophores up close._Nha Trang_Vietnam_2024
By Antonio Venturelli
posted 08:59 CST Today (9 hours ago)
0 votes

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1234 Entries Found: Page 35  of  46
Ornate ghost pipefish. Lembeh. D200, 60mm.
Flamboyant cuttlefish. Taken with a Canon Ixus 870is.
Juvy freckled frogfish, size of thumbnail, D300-60mm
Lembeh muck dive, D300-60mm
Goatfish, D300-60mm
Crinoid squat lobster - Lembeh.
A tiny baby Spotfin Lionfish (Pterois antennata), even more beautiful than the adult version....¸> <((((º> .....Canon G9 & Inon UCL-165 close up lens
Wonderpus taken in Lembeh. Site name: Jahir 2. Great find on my very last dive for the trip.
"Up periscope", Schultz's Pipefish (Corythoichthys schultzi) pops it's head up to look around....¸> <((((º> .....Canon G9 & Inon UCL-165 close up lens.
Night dive in Lembeh Strait, saw this cute little moray neatly arranged on the sand. Nikon D300 , Subal Housing, 105mm + 1.4 x Teleconverter. Inon Z240 Strobe.
Common Lionfish (Pterois volitans) swimming at Takawide 1 in Lembeh Straits.....¸> <((((º> .....Canon G9
Chromodoris reticulata. KBR jetty. D200, 60mm.
Taken in Lembeh this was the second time in 4 days I had witnessed this behaviour. The Lizard fish was sitting on the bottom waiting patiently for it's dinner to give up the fight. Nikon D300, Subal Housing, 105mm Inon Z240 Strobe.
Black- pitted snake eel. Lembeh. D200, 60mm.
I was surprised to find this tiny jawfish out in the open. After quickly trying to dig a burrow, it resorted to this open mouth threat posture. Unless of course it's saying "OMG, I going to be on Underwaterphotograpy.com"....¸> <((((º> .....Canon G9.
D300, Tokina 10-17
Lembeh Sea Dragon, Kyonemichthys Rumengani
Taken at Nudi falls in Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi Indonesia.
Nikon D300, Subal Housing, 105mm + 1.4x Teleconverter. 1/250sec f10. Inon z240 Strobe.
Goby or Blenny in a bottle. D300-60mm
Mom and Dad hanging out. D300-60mm
Orangutan crab on bubble coral. D300-60mm
Camouflage Artist, frogfish waiting for a meal. D300-60mm
Raggy Scorpion fish. Lembeh. D200, 60mm.
Ambon Scorpion Fish, Lembeh ... D300-60mm
More critters from Lembeh, D300-60mm
1234 Entries Found: Page 35  of  46