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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Bahamas (86)

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Peoples' Vote

Vir philippinensis shrimp_Jan 2024
(Canon100, 1/200,f9,iso100)
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (5 days ago)
3 votes

Sperm Whales under permit off Dominica.
By Arun Madisetti
posted (4 days ago)
3 votes

LEmon Damsel with an attempt at a black background
Dahab, Egypt,
F7.1, 1/320, ISO 125 Canon G7X MkII, Inon S2000 strobe
By Alexandra Caine
posted (6 days ago)
2 votes

Mediterranean Flabellina_June2024
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (4 days ago)
2 votes

Phyllidia ocellata nudibranch_Nha Trang_March 2024
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)
2 votes

One of many, many popcorn shrimp inhabiting an anenome
Dahab, Egypy
Canon G7X MkII, 2x Inon S2000
F10, 1/320, ISO 125
By Alexandra Caine
posted (6 days ago)
1 votes

Caribbean Squid 
Bonfire dive
By Magali Marquez
posted (5 days ago)
1 votes

Intense orange for this specimen of Flabellina rubrolineata nudibranch , just over a centimeter long, photographed during diving in the sea of Goa_India_Dec2023
(Canon100, 1/200,f16,iso100)
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (4 days ago)
1 votes

Micro life on the Andaman sea_Blenny fish_April 2024
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)
1 votes

When spotting a whip coral check the surface of the coral if there is a variation in texture. It will probably be a whip coral shrimp as they are perfectly camouflaged with the coral’s colour and polyp structure.Jan_2024
By Susanna Randazzo
posted (2 days ago)
1 votes
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2533 Entries Found: Page 86  of  94
Reflections on the Beach
This photo of a Nassau Grouper and his little friend the Yellow Lined Gobie was taken during a dive on Mike's Reef in Nassau a few weeks ago.
Calm in The Storm, Stoplight Parrot Fish in Andros Bay, 35 knot winds on surface at night.
The Gorgonian and its fingers have lots of color. This photo was taken during a dive at Henekin Wall in Nassau, 3 weeks ago.
This photo was taken while making our way to the Port Nelson in Nassau.
This photo of a Yellow Lined Goby was taken while diving in Nassau on Mike's Reef. I used my DC500 and dual digital flash units. Mike's Reef is like diving in an aquarium.
This photo of Feather Dusters was taken on the side of the Willaurie Wreck. This site off Nassau is a great spot for Macro, lots of soft corals and little creatures.
Grouper in Love!
An afternoon dive on the Sea Viking in Nassau, Bahamas.
A curious Carribean Reef Shark comes in for a close look. Exhaling bubbles tends to scare them off. I practiced that and heres an example. This photo was taken at Runway in Nassau.
Pederson Cleaner Shrimp on Mikes Reef in the Bahamas. The translucent body makes it hard to photograph and even see.
This photo of Horseeye Jacks was taken at Runway off the south of Nassau last Wednesday. Large schools gather here on this wall. The formation reminds me of the Blue Angels.
This photo of a pair of Christmas Tree Worms was taken last week while diving in the Bahamas w/ Stuart Coves on Mikes Reef.
This Spotted Moray was held captive by a fishing trap until we released him from it, seemed such a waste for him to be trapped. He doesnt look so happy but he was!!!!!!!!! The photo was taken last week at Mikes Reef in Nassau.
This image was taken while diving with Stuart Cove at Runway yesterday. He was a big one!I used my DC500 with two external flashes and wide angle lens.
Basket Sponges on a wall dive.
Flamingo Tongue taken with Olympus E-300
A reef shark making a pass. TT
Caribbean reef shark , and photographer
Wreck diving on the Ray of Hope
dont touch me!
Black Tip Reef Shark taken at the Tongue of the Ocean
These two sharks try to post for me at the same time.
Grouper names Bob, loves interacting with divers and having his picture taken. He swan straight up to the camera and offered me this shot!
"Fish Mugging" - This tourist diver new to the Reef City. He turned the wrong corner into a "bad fish neighorhood" and got beat up by fish.
Queen parrotfish - living proof that chomping coral is good for your teeth :-) - and what a diificult shot to get
Dare to come closer to me...
2533 Entries Found: Page 86  of  94