This was my first trip to Fiji. I stayed at Qamea beach resort. It does have a dive shop that offers instruction and diving. This resort doesn't get a large amount of divers at a time. I found this great because most of the week it was just myself and the dive master. The Qamea House reef is the reef right off the shore at Qamea Beach club. The reef begins in very shallow water and will reach depths of 130+ feet. I found the condition of the reef excellent. Most of the coral formation on this reef are stoney types of coral. The fish life is great with all the normal reef fish, large populations of clown fish, several lion fish, a turtle a times and it is not uncommon to see some small white tip reef sharks. The visibility on this reef was very good. depending on what the tide was doing the vis could drop down a bit. You could tell what this vis was going to be from the shore, the shallow part of the reef starts about ten feet off the beach in front of the dive shop, you could stand at the shop and look at the reef if was clear you knew it would only be better at the deeper parts. I only got to dive this reef once but I did snorkel on it everyday while I was there. I am a SCUBA junkie but I found this reef to be just as wonderful while snorkeling do to so much of it being in shallow water.
Facts about Qamea House Reef
It is in Fiji- Qamea House Reef is in the Pacific.
- The typical depth is 0-40 Metres 0-130 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.

Michael ShopeI hope this works as a CFWA if not please move to correct category. This is my beautiful wife snorkeling with a pair of Clown fish on Qamea reef in Fiji. This trip was my first experience taking pictures while snorkeling.

Michael Shopelooks like a clown fish month.

Michael ShopeMy wife snorkeling with clown fish on the Qamea reef in Fiji.

Michael ShopeDive Master in Fiji

Michael Shopesnorkler enjoying the clear waters of Fiji

Michael ShopeBeautiful shore line of Qamea, Fiji

Michael ShopeClown of the coast of Qamea, Fiji

Michael ShopeDiver swimming along reef in Fiji