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Weedy Seadragon swimming under Flinders pier  Victoria.
By David Haintz
posted 23:47 CST Today (within the last hour)
 Charging Bull  a Nembrotha seemingly moving head first toward the camera
By Rinaldi Gotama
posted 23:36 CST Today (within the last hour)
Diver in the Mine Felicitas in Germany
By Andy Kutsch
posted 21:39 CST Today (2 hours ago)
Hypselodoris Tryoni nudibranch_Feb 2024
 Canon100 1/200 f16 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted 01:13 CST Today (22 hours ago)
Peacock mantis shrimp
By Rinaldi Gotama
posted Yesterday
Phyllidia ocellata nudibranch_Nha Trang_March 2024
 Canon100 1/200 f14 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: Malé North Atoll

Underwater Photo Location: Malé North Atoll

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A ballet of mantas rays !
Facts about Malé North Atoll
  • It is in Maldives
  • Malé North Atoll is in the Arabian Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-10 Metres 0-30 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
Dive types

Photo facilities

by Daniel Petitmermet
Canon G10, a dream of a manta !

by Vladimir Levantovsky
Red snappers' band - a shoal of red snappers stretched in a long line facing the ocean current. Canon T1i in Ikelite housing with DS-125 strobes.

by Vladimir Levantovsky
"Big eyed fish" grooming. Canon T1i in Ikelite housing with DS-125 strobe overhead

by Pieter Roos

by Keith Savill
Buddy admiring Yellow Feather Star. Canon Ixus 85is Inon Wide Angle lens.

by Keith Savill
Whip Coral.

by Keith Savill
Last dive of the holiday over. I didn't want to get out! Falt calm, and sunny. Typical Maldives. I used Photoshop to accentuate the sun's rays.

by Cipriano (ripli) Gonzalez
diver filming colorfull anemone

by Keith Savill
Shrimp. Canon Ixus 85is with Inon Strobe. Cropped.

by Cipriano (ripli) Gonzalez
top of the mountain :-)

by Emanuel Gonçalves
Frogfish gathering Nikon F50, 60 mm Nicro Nikkor lens, Ikelite 200 Flash, Provia 100F Shot at Kandholhudhoo Thila Reef - North Male Atoll When shooting macro pics of the frogfish on the right I suddenly noticed this was a family reunion!!!

by Afflitti Gianluca
mantis shrimps

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Cipriano (ripli) Gonzalez
Mantas at cleaning station

by Cipriano (ripli) Gonzalez

by Jonathan Sala
Puffer Fish

by Sean Chinn
Wrapped around the sun.

by Sean Chinn
Maldive Clownfish

by Sean Chinn
Stars of the show

by Marchione Giacomo
Halimatha , Maldives Nikon D200, 10,5mm, no strobo

by Marchione Giacomo
The Manta ray Nikon D800E , 17-35mm Nikon Two strobo Maldives

by Marchione Giacomo
Sorkelling with Manta Nikon D800E , 17-35mm. Two strobo

by Rasmus Raahauge
Manta on a cleaning station

by Marchione Giacomo
Star in the sky Nikon D800e , 16mm, two strobo Maldives. Male Nord

by Pieter Firlefyn
Manta ray with schooling fish

by Pieter Firlefyn

by Pieter Firlefyn
batfish: platax orbicularis juveniles

by Pieter Firlefyn

by Pieter Firlefyn
leopard moray eel

by Pieter Firlefyn
batfish: platax orbicularis juveniles

by Pieter Firlefyn
Shoal of Bluestriped Snapper

by Pieter Firlefyn
Pregnant pufferfish

by Pieter Firlefyn

by Pieter Firlefyn
Remora takes a ride on the manta

by Pieter Firlefyn
composition of a whaleshark

by Pieter Firlefyn
nurse shark by nightdive

by Pieter Firlefyn
In the eye of a manta

by Pieter Firlefyn
Pregnant pufferfish

by Pieter Firlefyn
Sunset Indian Ocean on liveaboard

by Pieter Firlefyn
Manta with rimoura

by Pieter Firlefyn
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