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It s possible to find juvenile Samla bicolor nudibranch of less than 1cm  They are fast moving and relatively common on many of the dive sites in Andaman sea.   Canon100 1/200 f14 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted 08:38 CST Today (within the last hour)
Giant cuttlefish
By Nathanel Friedler
posted Saturday, June 1, 2024
Halgerda willeyi is a small sea slug with almost fluorescent colors. This is a shot of one  showing its rhinophores up close._Nha Trang_Vietnam_2024
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Saturday, June 1, 2024
Yellow Umbrella Slug   Tylodina perversa
By Stefanos Michael
posted Yesterday
Hypselodoris bullockii _March 2024
 Canon 100  1/200 f16 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)
Flabellina affinis_Oct 2023
 Canon100 1/200 f16 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: Welland Scuba Park

Underwater Photo Location: Welland Scuba Park

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
The Welland Canal Scuba Park area. Pilings near the old train bridge make an especially interesting dive.
Facts about Welland Scuba Park
  • It is in Canada
  • The typical depth is 0-10 Metres 0-30 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 3-10 Metres 10-30 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Photo facilities

by David Gilchrist
Photo at the Swing Bridge area of the newly created Welland Scuba Park, Welland , Ontario Canada

by David Gilchrist
Silhouette 1, Welland Canal Swing Bridge area

by David Gilchrist
Erinn's portrait-Welland Scuba Park

by David Gilchrist

by David Gilchrist
Ice Crystals, Was photographing some divers at the Welland Canal Scuba Park and noticed these crystals forming along the shoreline.

by David Gilchrist
A dive at the Swing Bridge site, Welland Scuba Park.

by David Gilchrist
Under the Piers, Swing Bridge site, Welland Scuba Park

by David Gilchrist
Beneath the Pier at the Swing Bridge site, Welland Scuba Park

by David Gilchrist
Bass beneath the Piers-one of the resident bass at the Swing Bridge site, Welland Scuba Park

by David Gilchrist
A species of 'Freshwater Jellyfish', although not a true jellyfish these are very interesting to observe in freshwater.

by David Gilchrist
Bass. This large fellow approached to check me out while diving under the piers of the Swing Bridge site, Welland Scuba Park

by David Gilchrist
Goby Cavern-Beneath the Swing Bridge Piers, in the clay bank, Gobies have created a small network of cave-like dwellings.

by David Gilchrist
Silhouette, beneath the Piers at the Swing Bridge site, Welland Scuba Park

by David Gilchrist
Freshwater 'Jellyfish'

by David Gilchrist
Freshwater Aquatic Plant

by David Gilchrist
Another Bass portrait taken today at the Swing Bridge site, Welland Scuba Park

by David Gilchrist
View under the piers near the Swing Bridge site, Welland Scuba Park

by David Gilchrist
Bass beneath the piers, Welland Scuba Park

by David Gilchrist
Bass,back for a closer look. Beneath the piers. Welland Scuba Park.

by David Gilchrist
Swing Bridge 'Ghoul' at Welland Scuba Park

by David Gilchrist
A Scary Sight (1) at the Welland Scuba Park.

by David Gilchrist
A Scary Sight (2) at the Welland Scuba Park

by David Gilchrist
Self Portrait while out to test a new Sea &Sea YS-D1 strobe. Canon S100 in Canon Waterproof Case, Nikon SB 105 strobe fill flash.

by David Gilchrist
Diver using Vintage Double Hose Regulator at the Swing Bridge site, Welland Scuba Park.

by David Gilchrist
Diver using Vintage Double Hose Regulator at the Swing Bridge site, Welland Scuba Park.

by David Gilchrist
Silhouette shot in the wheelhouse of boat at Welland Scuba Park, Ontario

by Paula Booker
Swimming with divers at The Welland Scuba Park, Welland, Ontario, Canada. Tango, the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever loves checkout dives with The Dive Academy of Oakville, Ontario.

by David Gilchrist
Find the Perch. Schooling sunfish and lone perch inside boat at the Welland Scuba Park

by David Gilchrist
Searching for subject. Diver with Sony Video rig at the Welland Canal Scuba Park.

by David Gilchrist
A bass swimming among freshwater aquatic plants in the Welland Scuba Park

by David Gilchrist
Free diver scootering at the Welland Scuba Park

by David Gilchrist
Diver emerges from boat at the Welland Scuba Park.

by David Gilchrist
Diver works to carve a pumpkin underwater at the Welland Scuba Park

by David Gilchrist
Diver enters the sunken remains of a tour boat in the Welland Scuba Park.

by David Gilchrist
Diver unfurls the flag at the bow of sunken boat in the Welland Scuba Park.

by David Gilchrist
Diver exits cabin of sunken boat at the Welland Scuba Park.

by David Gilchrist
Diver concentrates on carving a pumpkin at the Welland Scuba Park.

by David Gilchrist
Diver swims past overturned automobile covered with zebra mussels at the Welland Scuba Park.

by David Gilchrist
Cold water Diving at the Welland Scuba Park

by David Gilchrist
Round Goby Welland Scuba Park

by David Gilchrist
Freshwater Bryozoan, Welland Scuba Park

by David Gilchrist
You're in my Space! A Northern Map Turtle takes exception to my presence underwater at the Welland Scuba Park.

by David Gilchrist
A Virile Crayfish, one of nine species found in Ontario, raises its claws in defence.

by David Gilchrist
Northern Map Turtle,Welland Scuba Park

by David Gilchrist
Diver prepares to enter sunken boat.

by David Gilchrist
Smiling Divers getting ready for dive in local dive site.

by David Gilchrist
This curious Bass greeted me as Inmade a descent. Good thing I had new camera system and lens in hand.

by David Gilchrist
A school of Yellow Perch and Sunfish surrounded me on a recent dive and I was able to capture this image of one of the largest perch in the school.

by David Gilchrist
A diver observes a school of yellow perch at the Welland Scuba Park

by David Gilchrist
Sidemount Diver practicing skills to enter wreck at the Welland scuba Park

by David Gilchrist
Beneath the Train Bridge. The swing bridge above was used to allow vessels to pass on the Old Welland Canal.

by David Gilchrist
Diver glides between the pilings under old Swing Bridge.
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