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It s possible to find juvenile Samla bicolor nudibranch of less than 1cm  They are fast moving and relatively common on many of the dive sites in Andaman sea.   Canon100 1/200 f14 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted 08:38 CST Today (within the last hour)
Giant cuttlefish
By Nathanel Friedler
posted Saturday, June 1, 2024
Halgerda willeyi is a small sea slug with almost fluorescent colors. This is a shot of one  showing its rhinophores up close._Nha Trang_Vietnam_2024
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Saturday, June 1, 2024
Yellow Umbrella Slug   Tylodina perversa
By Stefanos Michael
posted Yesterday
Hypselodoris bullockii _March 2024
 Canon 100  1/200 f16 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)
Flabellina affinis_Oct 2023
 Canon100 1/200 f16 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: Talisay, Moalboal Philippines

Underwater Photo Location: Talisay, Moalboal Philippines

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The spot in Moalboal for Hippocampus denise :)
Facts about Talisay, Moalboal Philippines
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Henry Jager
"Pygmy Seahorse" Hippocampus denise from the divespot Talisay.

by Hansruedi Wuersten
The old lady

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Relaxing Turtle on Tabelcoral

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Over the reef

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Species of sea anemone

by Hansruedi Wuersten

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Harlequin Shrimp - Hymenocera elegans -

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Giant frogfish - Antennarius commerson

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Sea Pen - Pteroeides details

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Hidden turtle

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Peacock Mantis shrimp - Odontodactylus scyllarus under Barrel Sponge - Xestospongia testudinaria

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Tiger Anemone - Nemanthus annamensis

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Reef Life

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Pygmy Seahorse - Hippocampus bargibanti

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Warty frogfish (Clown frogfish) - Antennarius maculatus

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Orang-utang Crab Achaeus japonicus

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Sarasvati Anemone shrimp - Ancylomenes sarasvatii in Anemone

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Scalefin Anthias - Pseudanthias squamipinnis in front of corals

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Gorgonian Sea Fan - Annella reticulata (Supergorgia reticulata)with a Pygmy Seahorse inside

by Hansruedi Wuersten

by Jose Maria Abad Ortega
Turtle rest on the table reef and pose for the picture.

by Jose Maria Abad Ortega
Gobi on whip coral close up

by Jose Maria Abad Ortega
Hoplophrys oatesi, also known as the candy crab

by Jose Maria Abad Ortega
Turtle on the dark abyss

by Jose Maria Abad Ortega
Turtle in Moalboal Cebu

by Jose Maria Abad Ortega
Gorgonia in Moalboal

by Jose Maria Abad Ortega
Seascape on Talisay Moalboal

by Jose Maria Abad Ortega
Seascape of the reef on Talisay Moalboal

by Jose Maria Abad Ortega
Chromodoris elisabethina

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Goodbye turtel

by Jose Maria Abad Ortega
Sea ​​turtle Portraid

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Anemone Shrimp Periclimenes brevicarpalis

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Spider shrimp

by Hansruedi Wuersten

by Jimmela Sabanate
Ambon Crinoid Shrimp, Featherstar Shrimp

by Jimmela Sabanate
Looks a seadragon but not know whats is realy is...

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Orange face on Talisay

by Jimmela Sabanate
Chromodoris sp. on talisay point

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Clownfish in Anemone

by Jimmela Sabanate
Goby taken with TG6
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