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2247 Entries Found: Page 33  of  113

Baling Hai, Boracay

   Philippines  Celebes Sea
Sloping Wall to 18m

more info about Baling Hai, Boracay including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatsmallturtlesairnitroxinstructionguidedmacro

Coral shore Eilat

   Israel  Red Sea
beutifull dive site . Alot of photography opertunities close to the shore

more info about Coral shore Eilat including maps, reviews, and ratings...shorenightdriftbigsmallturtlescoralairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideangle

2nd Reef off Pompano Beach Florida

   United States  Atlantic (North American coastal)
Pompano Beach Florida has great diving year round. The water temp will range from 65-82. It has a 3 reef system start at around 20ft and by time you are on the 3rd reef its about 60Ft on the ledge. Plenty of life from Turtles, Stingrays, Spade Fish, Squirrel Fish, and so much more. I always use Pompano Dive Center.

more info about 2nd Reef off Pompano Beach Florida including maps, reviews, and ratings...bigsmallsharksturtlesairnitroxinstructionguidedmacrowideanglepfriendlyphireinstruction


   Canada  Atlantic (North American coastal)
Highly exposed, relatively shallow wreck. Lost March 1920 during a snowstorm. Vessel was a 5500 GRT combined passenger/cargo vessel. All passengers removed safely, crew remained behind to assist with salvage. One day following the grounding the vessel rapidly broke apart and sank taking 7 of the crew with her.

more info about Bohemian including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatsmallsharkswhalesdolphinsairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlywideangle

Wailea Beach

   United States  Pacific
Imperial Nudibranch couple out for a walk.

more info about Wailea Beach including maps, reviews, and ratings...shorebigsmallsharksdolphinsturtlescoralairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlyprocessingpfriendlyinstruction

Hin Duang

   Thailand  Andaman Sea
I shot this Pic while diving with "PalmBeachDivers"
Great and friendly staff.
Using a Sea&Sea750G WideAngle and 2 Sea&sea strobes

more info about Hin Duang including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatairnitroxinstructionguidedfriendlywideangle

Scilla, "la montagna"

   Italy  Tyrrhenian Sea
One of the best dive site in all mediterranean sea.

more info about Scilla, "la montagna" including maps, reviews, and ratings...shoredrysuitbigsmallairhireguidedmacrowideangle

Lone Tree

   East Timor  Banda Sea
Coral slope extending into a beautiful wall. Huge Anenome garden.

more info about Lone Tree including maps, reviews, and ratings...shorewallbigsmallwhalesdolphinsturtlescoralairnitroxguidedfriendlymacrowideangleinstruction

Outer reef at Ulua Beach

   United States  Pacific
Arc-eye Hawkfish. Canon Xti. 18-55 lens, f8, 1/250 sec. Ikelite DS51 strobe on TTL.

more info about Outer reef at Ulua Beach including maps, reviews, and ratings...shorebigsmallsharksturtlescoralairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlyprocessingfilmpfriendly

Mountain Top

   Dominica  Caribbean Sea
Large rock spire that comes up to about 60 feet with tons of life on top. Located on the Atlantic side of the island to the South it is more difficult to dive than most of the island due to the rougher conditions.

more info about Mountain Top including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatsmallcoralairnitroxguidedfriendlymacrowideanglepfriendly

Grand Cayman

   Belize  Caribbean Sea
Not alot to see,,the wreck of the Kitiwake and the stingrays were the highlights.

more info about Grand Cayman including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatstingingairnitroxguidedfriendlymacrowideangleprocessingpfriendlyrepairsinstruction


   Cayman islands  Caribbean Sea
Excellent dive site close to George Town. little bit advanced so unless you have been here before do this one with a guide

more info about TRINITY CAVES including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatcavewallairnitroxguidedfriendly

Anchorage Hotel dock

   Dominica  Caribbean Sea
Next door to Dive Dominica. The Anchorage specializes in whale watching and snorkeling.

more info about Anchorage Hotel dock including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatguidedfriendly


   Philippines  South China Sea
The water is blue and clear.

more info about Bohol including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatwallsmallturtlescoralairguidedmacrowideangle

Devils Point, Port Vila

   Vanuatu  Pacific
Stunning dive sites around here. Amazing variety of marine life.

more info about Devils Point, Port Vila including maps, reviews, and ratings...shorebigsmallsharksdolphinsturtlescoralairrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideanglepfriendlyinstruction

Cenote Calavera

Interresting entry : 2m high to jump in the cave
Interresting lightning

more info about Cenote Calavera including maps, reviews, and ratings...freshwaterairguidedwideangle

Ulua Beach, outer reef

   United States  Pacific
This is a close-up showing texture of rough-spined urchin. Canon XTi with 18-55mm zoom lens, manual, 1/250 sec, f8, 2 Ikelite strobes.

more info about Ulua Beach, outer reef including maps, reviews, and ratings...shoresmallsharksturtlescoralairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlyprocessingfilmpfriendly

Cenote - Grand cenote

Easy dive for a cenote, nice points of view

more info about Cenote - Grand cenote including maps, reviews, and ratings...freshwatersmallairguidedwideangle

Dive Dominica house reef

   Dominica  Caribbean Sea
great macro site, seahorses, frogfish, 8 species of shrimp, garden eels, all in 10m of water.

more info about Dive Dominica house reef including maps, reviews, and ratings...shoresmallturtlesairnitroxhireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideangle

Arcipelago di La Maddalena

   Italy  Tyrrhenian Sea
Canon eos 350 D Sigma 105 mm macro lens, manual controls, ikelite housing, macro port, double DS 160 Ikelite's strobe. The animal was found (is still there!) in a very tiny crevice at a depth of 13 m, it takes very long time to wait that the animal went out!

more info about Arcipelago di La Maddalena including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatsmallairhireinstructionguidedmacroinstruction
2247 Entries Found: Page 33  of  113