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1767 Entries Found: Page 36  of  89

Gota Abu Ramada

   Egypt  Red Sea
Max. depth 14m, 60min. journey
To enjoy the impressive abundance of fish, the best way is to surround the reef. On the east you find huge Stone coral formations, the west side is covered with mainly Acropora corals and Fire corals. You find big groups of Sweetlips, Bannerfishes and Butterflyfishes as well as frequently Eagle rays.

more info about Gota Abu Ramada including maps, reviews, and ratings...Liveaboarddayboatnightdriftbigsmallsharksdolphinsturtlescoralshoalsairnitroxinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideangleprocessingfilm

Bengasi Wreck Villasimius Sardinia

   Italy  Tyrrhenian Sea
Bengasi Wreck,
one of the holds of the wreck carrying glassware.
Exceptional dive, as well as what you can see, even for the distinctive noise when swimming in the middle of glasses and glass bottles.

Depth from 88 to 95 meters

more info about Bengasi Wreck Villasimius Sardinia including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatwreckwalldriftdrysuitbigsmallairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideanglefilm

Isonzo Wreck Villasimius Sardinia

   Italy  Tyrrhenian Sea
Nice wreck, very good visibility. It was sunk by britannic submarine Seafari. The Seafari sunk the same day others 2 ships, Loredan and Entella.

more info about Isonzo Wreck Villasimius Sardinia including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatwreckwalldrysuitbigsmallairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideanglefilm

San Marco Wreck

   Italy  Tyrrhenian Sea
Very nice wreck, partially unexplored.

more info about San Marco Wreck including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatwreckwallbigsmallcoralairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideanglefilm

Milford Haven Tanker

   Italy  Ligurian Sea
The biggest wreck in Mediterranean

more info about Milford Haven Tanker including maps, reviews, and ratings...wreckbigsmallairnitroxrepairshireinstructionmacrowideanglefilm

Beqa Lagoon - Pacific Harbour

   Fiji  Pacific
Beqa Channel

more info about Beqa Lagoon - Pacific Harbour including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatbigsharksairhireinstructionguidedfriendlywideanglefilmpfriendlyinstruction

Second Creek point. Tumby Bay

   Australia  Great Australian Bight
Nice little shore dive with crayfish,Boarfish,catsharks and many other critters to see.

more info about Second Creek point. Tumby Bay including maps, reviews, and ratings...shoresmallairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlyprocessingfilm

Tumby Bay jetty

   Australia  Great Australian Bight
Tumby Bay jetty has numerous critters and the amazing Leafy Sea Dragon.
Temp from 12'c in winter to 22'c in summer.

more info about Tumby Bay jetty including maps, reviews, and ratings...shorenightsmallairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlyprocessingfilmpfriendly

Casino Point Dive Park, Avalon, CA

   United States  Pacific
Spectacular California shore dive for all levels. Entry is down concrete stairs with handrail. Great shallow water diving and snorkling, wrecks at 70', and reefs outside the drop-off's at "technical" depths of 100+. Water temps on surface can reach 70 degrees in late summer and dip below 50 in the winter months. Average around 60 degrees. Marine life includes Garibaldi, Kelp Bass, Eels, Octopus, Bat Rays, Black Sea Bass, Blue-Banded Goby's and many other California regulars!

more info about Casino Point Dive Park, Avalon, CA including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatshorewrecknightdrysuitbigsmallsharkskelpairnitroxrepairsinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideangle

Dauin Poblacion

   Philippines  Philippine Sea
Good for macro, it's a Volcanic sand. so what do you expect?

more info about Dauin Poblacion including maps, reviews, and ratings...shoresmallairnitroxinstructionguidedmacro

Ponta da Passagem, Cabo Espichel

   Portugal  Atlantic (European coastal)
A large rock arch from the surface down to 15m deep with lots of small marine life (nudibranchs, small crustaceans) and some small holes packed with scorpion fish and topknots. And also the occasional moray and conger eels.

more info about Ponta da Passagem, Cabo Espichel including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatwallsmallairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideanglepfriendly

Amantea - Scogli di Isca

   Italy  Tyrrhenian Sea
Gli Scogli di Isca di Amantea sono una tappa obbligata per chi ama immergersi tra scogliere e madrepore mediterranee. Istituita nel 1991 dal WWF locale, l'Oasi blu degli Scogli di Isca è un'area protetta che si distende tutt'intorno questi scogli, che si inabissano fino ad incontrare a 20 metri di profondità uno splendido fondale. L'incontro tra rocce sommerse e una distesa di sabbia ha dato vita infatti ad una flora e fauna marina ricchissime. In queste acque, oltre a praterie di posidonia, è facile vedere anche delfini e tartarughe Caretta Caretta. Gli scogli, resti di un antico promontorio, sbucano dal mare a poche centinaia di metri alla spiaggia di Amantea. Per raggiungere l'area è necessario intraprendere la SS18 Tirrenica inferiore venendo da nord e, una volta a Belmonte Calabro, seguire la segnaletica stradale WWF.

more info about Amantea - Scogli di Isca including maps, reviews, and ratings...Liveaboarddriftdrysuitsmallcoralstingingairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideangleprocessingfilmpfriendlyinstruction

Khao Nayak

   Thailand  Andaman Sea
local dive site off the coast of Khao Lak (Thailand)

more info about Khao Nayak including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatsmallairnitroxhireinstructionguidedmacrophireinstruction

Trzesniowskie Lake

One of the most beautiful lakes in Poland.

more info about Trzesniowskie Lake including maps, reviews, and ratings...nightdrysuitfreshwatericesmallairnitroxinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideangleprocessingfilmpfriendlyrepairsphireinstruction

Tanjung Batugosoh

   Indonesia  Sulu and Sulawesi Seas
Tnajung Batugosoh is reachable only by boat, either on a liveaboard from Manado or Bitung or by daily boat from Bitung; currents can be swift, but marine life is pristine as there is no dive operations in the surroundings. Goos both for wide angle and macro/portrait

more info about Tanjung Batugosoh including maps, reviews, and ratings...Liveaboardsmallcoralairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideangle

Jardim dos Nudibrânquios

   Portugal  Atlantic (European coastal)
The name of the spot translates to Nudibranch Garden. And it's well deserved. The typical dive is made along a small drop between 10 and 12m deep where the shore line probably was once. The large amount of sponges and gorgonians with many hiding places make it a good spot for nudibranchs. The quantity and variety is tremendous. Visibility is rather poor but if you're into nudibranchs it really pays off.

more info about Jardim dos Nudibrânquios including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatsmallairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacropfriendlyphireinstruction

Conchita, Wakatobi

   Indonesia  Sulu and Sulawesi Seas
Just another coral paradise!

more info about Conchita, Wakatobi including maps, reviews, and ratings...Liveaboarddayboatshorewallnightdriftbigsmallturtlescoralairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideanglepfriendlyrepairsphireinstruction

Star Ship, Wakatobi

   Indonesia  Sulu and Sulawesi Seas
Untouched Coral Heaven!

more info about Star Ship, Wakatobi including maps, reviews, and ratings...Liveaboarddayboatshorewallnightdriftbigsmallturtlescoralairnitroxrepairsinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideanglepfriendlyrepairsphireinstruction

Hol Chan Marine Park

   Belize  Caribbean Sea
Great Dive Site. Lots of Marine Life ,Snappers, Eagle rays, Tarpons, Turtles lots of Juvenile Fish. The best Shallow Dive Site in Belize. The site is very close to shore.It is like diving in a aquarium. You will see a lot of nurse sharks and Blue Tangs plus a lot of Jacks.

more info about Hol Chan Marine Park including maps, reviews, and ratings...Liveaboarddayboatnightbigsmallsharksdolphinsturtlescoralairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlywideangleprocessingfilmpfriendlyphireinstruction

Teluk Waitti, Wkatobi

   Indonesia  Sulu and Sulawesi Seas

more info about Teluk Waitti, Wkatobi including maps, reviews, and ratings...Liveaboarddayboatwallnightdriftbigsmallturtlescoralairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideanglepfriendlyrepairsphireinstruction
1767 Entries Found: Page 36  of  89