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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Netherlands Antilles (9)

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Peoples' Vote

By Charly Clérisse
posted (2 days ago)
2 votes

,,Mountain lake,, in the heart of Austria
By Martin Schrack
posted (6 days ago)
1 votes

Flabellina affinis_Oct 2023
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Yesterday
1 votes

Marbled Shrimp - Saron marmoratus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (5 days ago)
0 votes

Goniobranchus albonares nudibranch_Feb2024 (Canon100,1/200,f16,iso100)
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (4 days ago)
0 votes

Hypselodoris bullockii _March 2024
(Canon 100, 1/200,f16,iso100)
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Yesterday
0 votes

Yellow Umbrella Slug - Tylodina perversa
By Stefanos Michael
posted Yesterday
0 votes

Halgerda willeyi is a small sea slug with almost fluorescent colors. This is a shot of one, showing its rhinophores up close._Nha Trang_Vietnam_2024
By Antonio Venturelli
posted 08:59 CST Today (9 hours ago)
0 votes

About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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2377 Entries Found: Page 9  of  89
Waiting for Christmas - Caribbean reef octopus (Octopus briareus) - Picture taken in Curaçao
Twinhorn Blenny
Tg4, UFL3 strobes
Pedersen Shrimp on an orange encrusting sponge on the house reef at Captain Don's Habitat. I thought the contrast in colors was beautiful
Slender filefish trying to hide (was usual.)
Black and white
Oh yeah...what about it!!!
Roughhead Blenny in his home covered in fire coral
Welcome to my Nightmare....
Red Snapping shrimp
Alpheus armatus
Resting Green Sea Turtle
The sun goes dowm
Gimme Some Sugar
Sometimes a animal approaches and you have to take the image, regardless of the setup you have on (in this case, macro.)
Feather pillow......southern smoothead glass Blenny Bonaire
Are you serious.... NO WAY!!!! TRUMP election news reaches fish community
D'oh! She sees me.
This little one seemed hopeful that a meal would pass by.
Pink Trumpetfish
Purple Crossing
"Joli poisson"
Goldentail moray (Gymnothorax miliaris) - Picture taken while shore diving in Bonaire.
The contrast between the Flamingo Tongue snail and the black sea rod attracted me, and the result is an almost luminous snail on the rod.
Hypsoblennius invemar
Tessellatted Blenny
Lippy Redlip blenny (Ophioblennius atlanticus) Picture taken in Bonaire.
3 Ball ..in the side pocket
Acyrtus artius / Papillate Clingfishes
Tessellatted Blenny
Hypsoblennius invemar
Bonaire NA
Oyster Blenny
Hypleurochilus pseudoaequipinnus
Bonaire NA
2377 Entries Found: Page 9  of  89