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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries From The Gulf of Venezuela (13)

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Peoples' Vote

By Charly Clérisse
posted (2 days ago)
2 votes

,,Mountain lake,, in the heart of Austria
By Martin Schrack
posted (6 days ago)
1 votes

Flabellina affinis_Oct 2023
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Yesterday
1 votes

Marbled Shrimp - Saron marmoratus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (5 days ago)
0 votes

Goniobranchus albonares nudibranch_Feb2024 (Canon100,1/200,f16,iso100)
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (4 days ago)
0 votes

Hypselodoris bullockii _March 2024
(Canon 100, 1/200,f16,iso100)
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Yesterday
0 votes

Yellow Umbrella Slug - Tylodina perversa
By Stefanos Michael
posted Yesterday
0 votes

Halgerda willeyi is a small sea slug with almost fluorescent colors. This is a shot of one, showing its rhinophores up close._Nha Trang_Vietnam_2024
By Antonio Venturelli
posted 08:59 CST Today (9 hours ago)
0 votes

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344 Entries Found: Page 13  of  13
Octopus shot with Olympus C-7070 with PT-027 housing and Sea & Sea YS-110a strobe.
Yellow frogfish on reef off of the Carib Inn, Bonaire.
Starfish... spotted...
Where is the octopus?
Leave me alone...
Smile smile
Sea Urchin with a spotlight on it in a night dive.
Flamingo tongues on a purple Sea Fan.
Tons of fish in Fiji!
This photo of an eel was taken on Curacao on a boat dive. I used a Canon DS550 in an Ikelite housing.
This lovely creature was ever so comfortable atop its green coral bed. It was taken in Curacao from a boat dive using my Canon DS550 in an Ikelite housing.
Twin Gray Angels. Shot caught on a shore dive using my Canon PowerShot DS550 in an Ikelite housing.
These guys are usually down in a crack where it's hard to get a shot of them. This one just posed....
A fast shutter speed to get the black background......noy because he was real fast!
What a friendly turtle, just came swimming up to check us out, I suppose. Couldn't even get all of him in the picture.
We were swimming along at a site on Klein Bonaire when I looked to the left and saw this Slender Filefish just hanging out . It was nicely framed and after I took one quick grab shot he was gone into hiding.
Could you scratch just a little bit to the right? Just sitting at a cleaning station and wasn't about to leave just because I showed up to watch.
I just slipped up on this Red Hind relaxing in a sponge.......he couldn't be bothered!
The end of a perfect day...
Sleeping in sponges.
344 Entries Found: Page 13  of  13