Latest Contest entries
Yellow Umbrella Slug   Tylodina perversa
By Stefanos Michael
posted 09:59 CST Today (3 hours ago)
Hypselodoris bullokii _March 2024
 Canon 100  1/200 f16 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted 04:53 CST Today (8 hours ago)
Flabellina affinis_Oct 2023
 Canon100 1/200 f16 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted 04:46 CST Today (8 hours ago)
 Puppy Eyes 
A young Sea Lion checking out my camera during a dive in Los Islotes  La Paz  BCS
By Charly Clérisse
posted Thursday, May 30, 2024
Goniobranchus albonares nudibranch_Feb2024  Canon100 1/200 f16 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (3 days ago)
Marbled Shrimp   Saron marmoratus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (4 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: Cairns

Underwater Photo Location: Cairns

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
Australian Diving is ideal for beginners and advanced divers. You will find hard and soft corals and plenty of marine life both small and large (whale sharks, humpbacks and many shark species). There is the Great Barrier Reef off Queensland which is served by day boats from Townsville, Port Douglas, Cairns and the Whitsundays. Western Australia is abundant with coral reefs and whale shark diving at Ningaloo Reef. Northern Australia has coral reefs and mangroves and there is plenty of wreck and cave diving off New South Wales, Tasmania and Southern Australia. The Diving is all year-round off Western Australia and Queensland, with whale shark season an Ningaloo being March-July. Box jellyfish are normally found around Queensland and the North and occur from Nov-March, and other hazards to be aware of are sharks, sea snakes and crocodiles. Southern waters are cooler and a wetsuit is advised, whilst elsewhere a lycra suit for protection against abrasion etc. is recommended. Whether you are a wide angle, Macro or video photographer Australia has something for everyone.
Facts about Cairns
  • It is in Australia
  • Cairns is in the Pacific.
  • The typical depth is 0-10 Metres 0-30 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 0-3 Metres 0-10 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Dave Hunt
Red-spotted blenny. I would get close, he would go inside - I'd move away, he'd come out -- for about 10 minutes until we were friends. Canon digital Rebel XTi, 60mm macro, YS-110 strobes, iso200, f10, 1/200sec.

by Steffen Binke
very close encounter with a minke whale, taken in the far northern great barrier reef

by Steffen Binke
Minke whale flying in at the end of a dive. Photo made in the far northern great barrier reef, july 2008, D200 natural light

by Steffen Binke
Father (or mother) Pygme and son (or daughter), Shot in the cod hole, Norther Great Barrier Reef!

by Steffen Binke
another minke passed the Binke

by Steffen Binke
green turtle at the Ribbon Reefs, Australia, D200, wide angle, 2 ikelite strobes

by Steffen Binke
Hawkfish, D200, 60mm Nikkor

by Steffen Binke
2 pygme's, far Northern Great Barrier Reef

by Steffen Binke
Minke with Tatoo, another 3 mnke's in the Background, Shot made on Lighthouse Boomie, Northern Great Barrier Reef, Nikon D200, No Strobes Allowed

by James Tewes
Two Sweetlip hovering off the side of a coral bommie

by Steffen Binke
Ninja Turtle!

by Steffen Binke
large cod in the northern great barrier reef, cod hole! Nikon D200

by Steffen Binke
Green Turtle, Nikon D200

by Steffen Binke
The "Pink clowfish" in pink background, nikon d200

by Steffen Binke
4 minke's in one picture, nikon D200, 10-17mm wideangle lens, natural light only

by Steffen Binke
soft coral

by Steffen Binke
He has never seen a guy with a camera before i guess ...

by Steffen Binke
Two Batfish in the Northern Great Barrier Reef, Nikon D200

by Steffen Binke
Diver and Seasnake

by Steffen Binke
pretty sea fan and more pretty diver in the great barrier reef, nikon d200, 10-17 mm wide angle

by Steffen Binke
Minke Whale Close Up

by Steffen Binke
another Clownfish

by Steffen Binke
Turtle Eye

by Steffen Binke
Pregnant Seahorse

by Steffen Binke
Minke Whale and Snorkler

by Ken Macken
Taken with Olympus SP550 and SeaLife strobe

by Melissa Fiene
Mosaic Jellyfish with driftfish in the coral sea. Nikon D300 in Sea & Sea housing.

by Morgan Ashton
Taken some time ago at the Great Barrier Reef but only recently rediscovered.

by Joe Daniels

by Bill Van Eyk
Banjo shark (fiddler ray) -Trygonorrhina‑fasciata - posing quietly for this shot. Ricketts Point Melbourne

by David Haintz
ELLA-BLU. Photo taken in our pool.

by Leslie Sherlin
This shot was taken with 35mm wide angle on the Great Barrier Reef. It was a night dive and the shark approached during a hunt. ISO4000 1/200 f20.

by Pauline Walsh Jacobson
Perfect staghorn coral formation, Michaelmas Cay, Great Barrier Reef, Australia
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