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Weedy Seadragon swimming under Flinders pier  Victoria.
By David Haintz
posted 23:47 CST Today (within the last hour)
 Charging Bull  a Nembrotha seemingly moving head first toward the camera
By Rinaldi Gotama
posted 23:36 CST Today (within the last hour)
Diver in the Mine Felicitas in Germany
By Andy Kutsch
posted 21:39 CST Today (2 hours ago)
Hypselodoris Tryoni nudibranch_Feb 2024
 Canon100 1/200 f16 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted 01:13 CST Today (22 hours ago)
Peacock mantis shrimp
By Rinaldi Gotama
posted Yesterday
Phyllidia ocellata nudibranch_Nha Trang_March 2024
 Canon100 1/200 f14 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: The Barge

Underwater Photo Location: The Barge

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
Great for macro diving. At small Gobal Island.
Facts about The Barge
  • It is in Egypt
  • The Barge is in the Red Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Dray Van Beeck
Cardinalfish with eggs in the mouth. Nikon D300, 105mm

by Dray Van Beeck

by James Dawson
Open wide...

by James Dawson
Undulated moray taken on a night dive with a Canon G9 and internal strobe.

by James Dawson
The Barge at Gubal Island taken with a Canon G9.

by James Dawson
The Barge, taken with Canon G9 and magic filter.

by James Dawson
Halgerda Willeyi taken with Canon G9 and Ikelite DS51 strobe. Spent 20 minutes with two of these guys waiting for one to crawl over the top of a coral head!

by James Dawson
Tiger Cardinalfish

by James Dawson
Hermit crab taken at the Barge on a night dive. A site that never fails to offer some great subjects

by Dray Van Beeck
Arabian boxfish

by Dray Van Beeck
Nightdive on the barge. Long exposure.

by Dray Van Beeck

by James Dawson
Yellow mouthed moray. Canon G9, Ikelite strobe, f3.5 1/125sec, ISO80

by Dray Van Beeck
Torpedo ray on the Barge. Close to sun set.

by Dray Van Beeck
Giant clam

by Dray Van Beeck

by Jackie Campbell
Scorpion fish taken on a night dive on the Barge in the Red Sea. Canon G9 and internal flash. He was so well camoflauged that I almost did not see him sitting there observing everything...<°))))>< - <°))))><

by Keith Savill
Four eyes.... Canon Ixus 85 with Inon Macro lens

by John Hill
An "over the shoulder shot" of a humped halgerda. Tweaked in photoshop to get the result i was after.

by Dray Van Beeck

by Dray Van Beeck
Finally first black seahorse for me in the Red Sea...

by John Hill
Always fascinated by the colouration of scorpionfish. This one shot at night on "the barge" in the Red sea. :)

by Alexia Dunand
The end of a day on the Red Sea. Liveaboard paradise.

by John Parker
Cardinal Fish with eggs on The Barge

by John Parker
Diver at twilight

by John Parker
Crocodile Fish on The Barge

by Cat Briggs
stone fish portrait

by Pieter Firlefyn
Moray eel with cleaner shrimp

by Pieter Firlefyn
marine life

by Plamena Mileva
The Barge
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