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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Cayman islands

3164 Entries Found: Page 4  of  118
Barracuda on a Shipwreck
"Apex" - A female Caribbean reef shark cruises the reef.
"Romeo or Juliet" - A black hamlet looks at the camera as the pair performs an intricate spawning dance at dusk. Photographed with a slow shutter speed to show some of their motion.
"Eagle Ray Ballet" - Two eagle rays glide just off the North Wall. They soared in to check me out, and then turned and continued on their way.
"Night Crawler" - A nudibranch (Dondice occidentalis) crawls on the outside of a barrel sponge at night.
"Vertical Defense" - A pair of mating green sea turtles try to fend off a rival male by ascending in the water column. The second male was persistent in his pursuit and had numerous bites on his fins and head as a result.
Final RoundThrough to 2018 awards final round judging
Sexy Snooting #1 of 2 - I've been experimenting with using a snoot in ways other than a spotlight. Here a sexy shrimp dances on his coral stage.
Sexy Snooting #2 of 2 - I've been experimenting with using a snoot in ways other than a spotlight. Here, the transluscence of a spotted cleaner shrimp on coral is shown with my snoot.
"Sunset Sunset" - Surfaced to this stunning sunset at Sunset House! Hefting my macro kit with diopters half out of the water to get this shot was...interesting. I can almost feel my arms again. wink
Gold Medal Gold Medal 2018

Final RoundThrough to 2018 awards final round judging
"Do You Like My Headdress?" - A tiny pipehorse portrait, photographed with SMC and a shallow depth of field to soften the background.
Spot the Crab!
Neck crab with hydroids growing on it!
"Under Over" - Two separate photographs that are meant to be viewed together. I plan to print them on canvas and display them like this.
"Two To Tango" - Mating Squid! From what I've read, this is apparently a somewhat rare event to witness.
"Delicate Seahorse" - A white seahorse free-swims between gorgonians. Photographed on the steep Bloody Bay Wall on Little Cayman.
Sea horse in Little cayman
"Seltzer Reef" - Divers' bubbles stream past colorful sponges and coral hanging off Babylon dive site. The dive boat can be seen above the sponges.
Night Moves
Pipehorse Portrait - My first pipehorse! This little guy is less than an inch long, and is very hard to spot with an untrained eye. The background is white from my strobes reflecting off the sand.
The Kittiwake takes on a different perspective when you add a diver in for scale.
Final RoundThrough to 2018 awards final round judging
The USS Kittiwake has a ghostly feeling in black and white. I love this wreck in Grand Cayman and continue to dive it every time I am there.
Stingray Sandbar is a special place to photograph on Grand Cayman! I have lots of photographs to go through from shooting there the other day, here’s one to start.
Living Light
Olympus Pen 1
Sea&Sea YS-27DX strobes
Diaopter +5
"Navy Night" - Carrie Dutchak surfaces following a dusk dive. The lights of Grand Cayman glow behind her.
"Chiaroscuro" - I photographed this arrow crab using one strobe to give strong shadows and light. The title is a reference to the Italian word for this kind of lighting, found in Renaissance paintings.
3rd place Monthly HotShots shortlistedShortlisted!

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
Magnificent lighting and spot on focus.
"Sweep And Swirl"
Sponges and gorgonians swirl. I photographed this image using a slow shutter speed while simultaneously swimming forward, zooming the lens and spinning the camera. No Photoshop.
"Sweeping Shadows" - A brightly-colored flagfin glass blenny rests on coral. Shot with one strobe on an angle to provide texture. (No snoot.)
"On Patrol" - A Caribbean reef shark sweeps in for a closer view as it patrols a coral reef on the East End of the island.
3164 Entries Found: Page 4  of  118

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