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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Switzerland

1382 Entries Found: Page 21  of  52
Another kind of Mayfly found in a small water retention not far from home... :O)...
Unfortunately unwanted piercing ! :-(
Face to face with this beautiful but scary Larva of a Mayfly. Que du bonheur... :O)...
Last dive - of course a Pike big grin
Water mite and eggs big grin
King pike big grin
eye to eye big grin
Face to face with this little Freshwater snail (Bithynia tentaculata).
Larva of a Dragonfly... Que du bonheur... :O)...
Another shot of a Larva of a Damselfly taken in a small high altitude water retention. Que du bonheur... :O)...
Beautiful encounter with this Alpine newt... Que du bonheur.. :O)...
Water mite and eggs big grin (100mm & +10 subsee WD)
Probably Valvata Piscinalis big grin
Sorry... : "Just love them..." :O)... Young Pike Fish that can touch the sky... ;O)...
Water mite with eggs big grin (100 mm macro & subsee +10 wetdiopter)
Larva of a Damselfly taken in a small high altitude water retention. Que du bonheur... :O)...
Valvata piscinalis, tiny 3mm snail
lac de montagne, Lioson. Jeux de lumière
Water Mite, Hydrodroma.
The "valve" big grin
Small Pike Fish in the clouds... :O)...
Limnea in lake Neuchâtel big grin
Freshwater Atmosphere... :O)...
Angry look big grin - pumpkinseed sunpearch
Pike, another one ;-)
tanche au travail
King Pike Fish... :O)...
1382 Entries Found: Page 21  of  52

dive sites Dive sites for Switzerland