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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From The Landlocked Seas/Lakes

845 Entries Found: Page 4  of  32
Entrance of a cave in Mexico. The cenotes in Mexico are really clear.
The famous entrance of Cenote Carwash in Mexico. The picture is taken from inside the cave.
Divers during a mine diver course in Nuttlar - Germany
A very special picture of red-eyed damselflies under water. This couple is putting their eggs underwater. The silver color is due to small air bubbles to 'breathe' under water.
Only in cenote Zapote in Mexico these kind of speleothems can be found. These bells are really strange and still grow under water where normal stalactites only can grow in dry areas.
Speleothem with diver in the background in the cenote Dos Palmas in Mexico. The caves in Mexico are the best ones in the world.
Hells Bells, the only place in the world where these bells can be found. A unique cenote. These formations grow under water, so are not formed in a dry period. They still grow. The complete mechanism is not understood, but anaeroob bacteria help.
The toad migration in the Netherlands. This phenomena only lasts a few days. The toads are looking for a place to drop their eggs.
The mysterious 'Hells Bells' in cenote Hells Bells/Zapote Mexico with the mystic sulfur layer. These bells are only found there, nowhere else in the world.
Cenote Nohoch in Mexico. De water is always clear. A very nice cave to dive in.
Black and White image of a diver in a german lake
France / LOT Cavediving
Esox lucius (nothern pike) in its environment at Ekeren. ... by E&e Lp
by: E&e Lp
Esox lucius (nothern pike) in its environment at Ekeren. (f/9, 1/160, ISO-640, 18mm). - Erik
Sidemount Diver in Nuttlar / Slate Mine
A white Cyprinus carpio (common carp) in a lake at Ekeren... by E&e Lp
by: E&e Lp
A white Cyprinus carpio (common carp) in a lake at Ekeren. (f/22, 1/160, ISO-3200, 50mm). - Erik
Fresh water nudibranch in the Netherlands. Not as colorfull as in salt water in the tropics, but even a very beautifull creature.
Ponte dei Salti
Eye of a brown frog that tries to stay under water during the wintercold. You can see the third eyelid of the eye.
Larvea of a brown frog. the small 'fishes' have really nice mouths, they are really cute.
Larvae of a dragonfly. Almost nobody knows that dragonflies live most of their lives under water. People only know them as the animals with wings. But they live a few years under water before their last stadium in their lives.
In 1 lake I dive quite a lot in winter, there are frogs found under water. I really like that. The frogs are found at 16-20m depth. And the special thing is that you can see that the waterpressure makes the frogs flat. But they are still alive.
A picture took from garbage. I have a longer lasting project to take pictures of garbage I find under water. This time it was a Barbie doll, the perfect woman for kids. But now dropped, headless and green of algea. A bigger contrast almost impossible
Landscape with seastar taken in the Grevelingen lake in the Netherlands.
This divesite is not a lake, but a tank filled with water. It is called the 'Gasometer'. In this tank there are several objects placed to explore. Maximum depth 14m, diameter 45m.
Eistauchen im Weissensee/Österreich. Dieser See bildet in den kalten Monaten die größte Natureisfläche Europas, und zieht daher unterschiedlichste Sportler an
Diver in the Fontaine del Truffe in France. One of my favorite caves in this region.
845 Entries Found: Page 4  of  32

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