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1767 Entries Found: Page 40  of  89

Padang Bay

   Indonesia  Bali Sea
Real macro world

more info about Padang Bay including maps, reviews, and ratings...Liveaboarddayboatshorewallnightbigsmallcoralairhireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideanglefilmpfriendlyphireinstruction

Turtle neck-Blue lagoon

   Indonesia  Bali Sea
Macro world

more info about Turtle neck-Blue lagoon including maps, reviews, and ratings...Liveaboarddayboatdriftbigsmallcoralairinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideangleprocessingfilmpfriendly

Sakenan point-Nusa Lembongan

   Indonesia  Bali Sea
So calm, so nice... Beautiful dive site.

more info about Sakenan point-Nusa Lembongan including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatwallnightdriftbigsmallcoralairnitroxinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideanglefilmpfriendlyinstruction

Tanjung Jepun-Padang Bay BAY-

   Indonesia  Bali Sea
One of the best macro sites in Bali

more info about Tanjung Jepun-Padang Bay BAY- including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatshorewallbigsmallcoralairinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideanglefilmpfriendly

Canyon Marsa Barekka

   Egypt  Red Sea

more info about Canyon Marsa Barekka including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatshorecavewallbigsmallsharksturtlescoralshoalsstingingairnitroxinstructionguidedfriendlywideanglepfriendlyinstruction

Embiez Island - Rouveau

   France  Mediterranean Sea
Great spot for discovering variety of Mediterranean species - octopus, squids, salpa, dorade...

more info about Embiez Island - Rouveau including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatshorewreckwallbigsmallairrepairsinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideangleprocessingfilmpfriendlyrepairsphire

Marsa Barecca

   Egypt  Red Sea
Egypt, Sharm el Sheikh, Ras Mohammed

more info about Marsa Barecca including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatwallbigsmallsharksdolphinsturtlescoralshoalsstingingairnitroxinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideanglepfriendlyinstruction

Dauin South

   Philippines  Bohol Sea
Phillippines are a very good

Makros all over


more info about Dauin South including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatshorenightdrysuitfreshwaterairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideanglepfriendlyrepairsphireinstruction

Santo Largo

   Aruba  Caribbean Sea
Nice mystic dive site, shallow start then a drop off to about 120ft.

more info about Santo Largo including maps, reviews, and ratings...shoresmallturtlescoralairrepairsinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideanglepfriendlyrepairsinstruction

Fariones Reef, Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote

   Spain  Atlantic (African coastal)
Agreat reef teaming with life of all shapes, sizes and colors. Usually it is blessed with non to only very mild currents giving the underwater photograher time to think about the shot without having to fight strong currents or worry about bouyancy

more info about Fariones Reef, Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote including maps, reviews, and ratings...shorewreckcavewallnightbigsmallsharksdolphinscoralkelpshoalsstingingairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideangleprocessingfilmpfriendlyphireinstruction

Tent Wall

   Netherlands Antilles  Caribbean Sea
Platform of wall @ 20 feet, Maximum depth 120 feet continuing down to the abyss

more info about Tent Wall including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatwallbigsmallsharksturtlescoralshoalsstingingairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendly

Gili Trawangan

   Indonesia  Bali Sea
Good variety of marine life. Too bad that dynamite fishing killed a lot of the coral.

more info about Gili Trawangan including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatshoresmallairhireinstructionguidedfriendly

Caño Island

   Costa Rica  Pacific
It is on the Pacific Ocean side of Costa Rica, west of the Península de Osa. It has been established as a protected national park, with a permanent ranger station on the island. It is a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors for its beaches, coral beds, and sea life.
Marine life includes manta rays, sharks, dolphins, sea turtles, whales, and a wide variety of fish.
Evidence of preColumbian human activity on the island is substantial, with some of the most interesting artifacts being stone spheres evidently carved by early civilizations.

more info about Caño Island including maps, reviews, and ratings...bigsmallsharkswhalesdolphinsturtlescoralshoalsstingingairrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlyinstruction


   Venezuela  Caribbean Sea

more info about Invisibles including maps, reviews, and ratings...shorebigsmallturtlescoralairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideangleprocessingfilmpfriendlyrepairsphireinstruction

Hilo Hawaii

   United States  Pacific
After a day of diving I went snorkeling with my wife (she doesn't dive) just outside of our hotel. Fantastic

more info about Hilo Hawaii including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatshorecavewallnightdriftbigsmallsharkswhalesdolphinsturtlescoralstingingairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideangleprocessingfilmpfriendlyrepairsphireinstruction

Pete's Reef

   Guam  Philippine Sea
Sand Channels and a large anemone. Some interesting coral formations typical of Guam.

more info about Pete's Reef including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatsmallturtlescoralairnitroxrepairshireinstructionfriendlymacrowideangle

Pipeline. Nelson Bay

   Australia  Tasman Sea
World-class macro site. More diversity of nudis than any site in Lembeh! Also schooling fish, wobbegongs, blind sharks, cuttlefish, crustaceans etc etc etc

more info about Pipeline. Nelson Bay including maps, reviews, and ratings...shorenightsmallsharkscoralkelpshoalsairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacro

The Corsair

   United States  Pacific
The corsair went down in 1945 during a routine training mission

more info about The Corsair including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatwreckbigsmallsharkswhalesturtlescoralstingingairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideangleprocessingfilmpfriendlyinstruction

Triggerfish, Akumal, Quintana Roo

   Mexico  Caribbean Sea
beautifully diverse and fairly unspoiled dive area, full of marine life lots of turtles, but an explosion of lionfish are invading and several are visible on almost every dive

more info about Triggerfish, Akumal, Quintana Roo including maps, reviews, and ratings...driftbigsmallsharksturtlescoralshoalsairnitroxhireinstructionguidedfriendly

northern exposure

   Grenada  Caribbean Sea
Pretty garden reef very little current.

more info about northern exposure including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatsmallturtlescoralairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideangle
1767 Entries Found: Page 40  of  89