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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Switzerland

1388 Entries Found: Page 3  of  52
Lunch time (tiny snail 1cm) - 105mm +10 diopter
Orconectes limosus / a species of crayfish in the family Cambridge, photographed in the lake of Zug in Central Switzerland.
Photo taken with Canon EOS 5DS R and Macro 100 f2,8
under the pike
while looking for the catfish ...
Toad ( Erdkröte) Bufo bufo
Kiss Me
Erdkröte (Bufo bufo)
Shot in a lake in Switzerland around Lake Luzern
Ice diving atmosphere
Cold sunset
Maggia TI trou du loup
face cachee de l'ecrevisse
riviere val Verzasca
Eating time - tiny freshwater snail
Tiny pike (5cm)
Curling under the ice surface
(picture upside down - stone in wood)
Microcosmos (+10 diopter)
Underwater Painter - That's art!
Baby pike
Eating time (tiny freshwater snail)
Baby pike fish (4 cm long)
Mystic atmosphere (diving after a flood)
Crayfish in the lake of Zoug.
Orconectes limosus, Eastern Crayfish, or Delcore Crayfish
One ???????? Inside a temporary pond.
1388 Entries Found: Page 3  of  52

dive sites Dive sites for Switzerland