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Our UW photo contest is the longest running and most prestigious online. If you want to make a name for yourself this is THE place to do it. See some famous publications about winning photos.

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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From The Tyrrhenian Sea

2641 Entries Found: Page 9  of  98
Felimare fontandraui_2022
Felimida Khroni_2022
My sea_2022
Chromodoris Khroni_2022
Trypterigion fish_2022
Vermocane_detail of dorsal bristles which are similar to glass needles and give it a flocky effect_2022
Elysia timida_2022
Tricolor nudi_2022
(Canon 100mm,t1/250,f/20,iso160)
Mediterranean nudibranch_2022
Parablennius rouxi_2022
(Canon 100mm,t1/200,f/8,iso125)
Nice one mate , so photogenic!
The last safety stop was accompained by this nice hermit crab_La Formica dive site_Sicily_2022
(Canon 100mm,t1/250,f/14,iso125)
Dardanus arrosor_2022
La Formica_Casteldaccia_2022
Planaria rosa_2022
Felimida Khroni nudibranch_2022
Scoglio della Formica_Sicily_2022
(Canon 100mm,t1/250,f/20,iso100)
Mediterranean Flabellina_2022
(Canon 100mm,t1/250,f/20,iso160)
This is a closup from a gorgone in Sardinia.
Crazy Flabellina_Scoglio della Formica_2022
(Canon 100mm,t1/250,f/20,iso160)
Scoglio della Formica_2022
(Canon 100mm,t1/250,f/20,iso100)
A small Purple flabellina with eggs.
Luminescent nudi_2021
Cratena nudibranch_2022
(Canon 100mm,t1/250,f/20,iso100)
Title Shy and bold, it's about two sand crabs in a jellyfish Rizostoma Pulmo, Med.sea golf of Naples
2nd place Monthly HotShots shortlistedShortlisted!
Spawning,Godiva quadricolor on a thread of seaweed and eggs, the photo taken in a Phlegraean lagoon Bacoli Gulf of Naples
Bronze Medal Bronze Medal 2022

Final RoundThrough to 2022 awards final round judging
2641 Entries Found: Page 9  of  98

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