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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From The Tyrrhenian Sea

2655 Entries Found: Page 3  of  99
Cratena nudibranch _ June 2024
(Canon100, 1/200,f20,iso100)
Flabellina affinis_Oct 2023
Mediterranean Flabellina_October 2023
(Canon100, 1/250,f14,iso100)
Cratena nudibranchs _August 2023
Flabellina nudibranch_October 2023
(Canon100, 1/200,f11,iso100)
Cratena peregrina nudibranchs_July2023
Pilgrim Hervia_2023
Flabellina _Aug 2023
Trypterigion tripteronotum photographed just a few meters deep. Nobody looks at it because there are so many of them, but it has its own particular charm and colours!_Oct 2023
A macro photo on a black background of a beautiful Flabellina photographed in the sea of ​​Casteldaccia, Sicily_Sept 2023
Lamprohaminoea ovalis, a very small mollusc ( not a nudibranch) with beautiful colors, which entered the Mediterranean from the Red Sea and is rapidly expanding_Oct 2023
Bavosa cervina_Sicily Oct 2023
Cratena nudibranch_Sicily, Oct 2023
Trypterigion tripteronotum is named peperoncino in Italy because its red color during reproductive period, with a black head . Normally the color is brown-green with lighter vertical bands like this photo _Oct 2023
Cratena nudibranch_Casteldaccia Sea_Sicily_Oct 2023
Parablennius zvonimiri( Bavosa cervina)_2023
( Canon100, 1/200, f8,iso100)
Flabellina affinis_2023
(Canon100, 1/250,f14,iso100)
Flabellina affinis_2023
Ugo Bassi wreck, lying at 90 meters depth in Sardinia.
It was a cargo steamship that while navigating from Civitavecchia destination Cagliari, was spotted and attacked by the British submarine Severn and after getting torpedoed sank the 28-JUN-41.
Pair of Cratena nudibranchs_2023
(Canon100, 1/200,f/20,iso160)
Parablennius p. usually live in shallow waters, spending their time with body in ravines and head alert &curious to observe the environment. For this reason they are excellent shooting subjects for macro uw photos.
(Canon 100,1/200,f13,iso100)
Peperoncino fish ( Trypterigion tripteronotus)_2023
Cratena peregrina nudibranch _Sicilian Sea_Oct 2023
(Canon 100,1/250,f16,iso100)
A Flabellina Affinis nudibranch stands up tall as if roaring for the camera. Macro lenses can create such radical perspectives with these little subjects! Taken in September 2023
(Canon 100,1/200,f14,iso160)
An individual of Lamprohaminoea ovalis photographed at ~15 mt depth_ La Formica dive site_Casteldaccia,Sicily_2023
Cratena nudibranch while eating.Its flashy coloration is aposematic, i.e. it warns predators of the intrinsic poisonousness if by chance an inexperienced fish were to eat it would spit it out due to the terrible taste.
(Canon100, 1/250,f16,iso10...
réflexion !
2655 Entries Found: Page 3  of  99

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