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Our UW photo contest is the longest running and most prestigious online. If you want to make a name for yourself this is THE place to do it. See some famous publications about winning photos.

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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From The Philippine Sea

7606 Entries Found: Page 8  of  282
Anna's Chromodoris - Chromodoris annae
Nembrotha yonowae
Giant Frogfish
Two spotted snappers
Olympus EM1X
3rd place Monthly HotShots shortlistedShortlisted!
Peacock-tail Anemone Shrimp (White-Patched Anemone Shrimp)
king II
Bubble coral shrimp
Vir philippinensis
Reef Stonefish - Synanceia verrucosa
Olympus EM1X
A whip coral goby stretching its mouth after feeding.
leaf point
Robust Ghostpipefish - Solenostomus cyanopterus
Sponge Crab - Dromia dormia
Olympus EM1X
black horse
red red
Unknown - Sepia sp
Spotted Anemone Porcelain Crab - Neopetrolisthes maculatus (maculata)
Olympus EM1X
Translucent Gorgonian Shrimp - Manipontonia
Swimming Feather Star - Zygometra sp
Blackspotted Puffer - Arothron nigropunctatus
Olympus EM1X
Scorpionfish Close Up
Perfectly disguised cancer
7606 Entries Found: Page 8  of  282

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