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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Italy

4924 Entries Found: Page 12  of  183
Lamprohaminoea ovalis-2021
Colors of Mediterranean sea_2021
(Canon100mm, t1/200,f/20,iso200)
Mediterranean Cratena portrait_its intense colors always look great against black_I love to photograph them_Sicily_2021
(Canon100mm, t1/200,f/20,iso200)
Mediterranean Cratena-2021
I waited so many minutes for it to line up with my lens..and finally the shot is really close.
Thank you sweet beauty Cratena
(Canon 60mm,t1/200,f/22,iso200)
Cratenas always enchant me for the beauty of their colors_Casteldaccia_Sicily_2021
(Canon 60mm,t1/200,f/20,iso200)
Flabellina affinis on moving on the seagrass
Nudi portrait_Cratena_2021
Cerithium vulgatum occupied by hermit crab_2021
(Canon60mm, t1/200,f/14,iso200)
Longstriped blenny (Parablennius Rouxi)_2021
color flames_Cratena nudi_2021
Close focus of a friendly moray in the Mediterranean Sea_Casteldaccia_Sicily_2021
(Canon 60mm,t1/160,f/6.3,iso200)
Colorful look of Mediterranean nudi_La Formica dive site_2021
La Formica dive site_2021
(Canon 60mm,t1/200,f/25,iso200)
Cratena nudibranch_2021
Totem / Pinna Nobilis, Santa Maria al Bagno, Salento
An August afternoon diving at "La Formica " , a great dive site near Casteldaccia, Sicily. The particular light brings out the beauty of this Cratena nudi.
(Canon 60mm,t1/200,f/25,iso200)
Loads of color..really close to this Flabellina in the sea of Scilla_Italy_2021
(Canon 60mm,t1/200,f/22,iso400)
Purple Flabellina close up_Scilla_2021
Medsea shark egg CFWA shot
Gold Medal Gold Medal 2021
Winner Monthly HotShots
Final RoundThrough to 2021 awards final round judging
A tip to see it up close: breathe slowly and admire it with respect_Mediterranean moray_2021
(Canon 60mm,t1/125,f/7.1,iso200)
Cratena nudibranch_2021
Trypterigion Tripteronotus_2021
A mediterranean moray opens its mouth wide to breathe and shows its pointed teeth_2021
(Canon 60mm,t1/160,f/6.3,iso200)
La Grotticella_Scilla_2021
(Canon w.a.14mm,t1/60,f/5.6,iso320)
4924 Entries Found: Page 12  of  183

dive sites Dive sites for Italy