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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Italy

4924 Entries Found: Page 14  of  183
Vibranty coloured nudibranch(Cratena Peregrina)spotted in Scilla- Calabria-Italy
(Canon macro 60mm, 1/200,f/20,iso400)
Cratena Peregrina_ La Montagna_Scilla
(Canon macro 60 mm,1/200,f/20,iso400)
Paguroidea-Hermit Crab close up detail
(Canon 60 mm , 1/200, f/18, iso200)
Stella Gorgone ( Astropartus Mediterraneus)
( Canon wide angle 14 mm,1/125, f/8,iso400)
Mediterranean scorpion fish
(Canon wide angle 14mm,1/160,f/6.3,iso320)
Mediterranean orange madreporas
(Canon wide angle 14mm,1/200,f/9,iso200)
Felimare Hypselodoris Tricolor
( Canon macro 60 mmm,1/160,f/18,iso 400)
macro basket star
(Canon macro 60 mm,1/200,f/16, iso400)
Tripterygion delaisi
(Canon macro 60mm,1/200,f/18,iso200)
Hermit crab
(Canon macro 60mm,1/200,f/18,iso200)
Parablennius rouxi
(Canon macro 60mm,1/200,f/14, iso200)
basket star
(Canon wide angle zoom 10-22mm@17, 1/200,f/8,iso400)
Calcinus tubularis
a place in the middle of the sea near Reggio Calabria. Black coral with "dogfish" eggs. Even if the octopus appears white the "stem" is gray.
Nudis: calabria
What's this? someone say a spaceship, some others a view of a parallel universe. Can you recognize it?
Juvenile of Diplodus sp. (vulgaris?). note the fins structure and the coloured cells of the skin
Dondice banyulensis with diver behind. For shooting this photo we have accurately planned everithing before dive
Nudibranch of Mediterranean Sea, Canon lens 60 mm, f/11,t/200,ISO 200
Dardanus Arrosor in Mediterranean Sea, photographed with Canon macro lens 60 mm, t/200, f/22, ISO 200.
The sunset and the fishermen
The king
nudibranch macro with lens60 mm
Yellow capture
Dondice Banyulensis
4924 Entries Found: Page 14  of  183

dive sites Dive sites for Italy