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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From The South China Sea

4095 Entries Found: Page 8  of  152
Chromodoris annae (f/8, 1/60, ISO-200, 34mm, UCL-165). - Els by E&e Lp
by: E&e Lp
Chromodoris annae (f/8, 1/60, ISO-200, 34mm, UCL-165). - Els
Juvenile Plectorhinchus lessonii (striped sweetlips). (f/... by E&e Lp
by: E&e Lp
Juvenile Plectorhinchus lessonii (striped sweetlips). (f/5.6, 1/160, ISO-1250, 50mm). - Erik
Playing tag between spikes. Periclimenes colemani (Colema... by E&e Lp
by: E&e Lp
Playing tag between spikes. Periclimenes colemani (Coleman's shrimp) and Zbrida adamsii (crab) on Asthenosoma varium (sea urchin). (f/8, 1/60, ISO-200, 33mm, UCL165). - Els
Sunday stroll. Antennarius maculatus (warty frogfish). (f... by E&e Lp
by: E&e Lp
Sunday stroll. Antennarius maculatus (warty frogfish). (f/6.3, 1/100, ISO-100, 50mm, only natural light). - Erik
Find the shrimp. Ancylomenes magnificus (Magnificent shri... by E&e Lp
by: E&e Lp
Find the shrimp. Ancylomenes magnificus (Magnificent shrimp). (f/8, 1/60, ISO-200, 32mm). - Els
Caloria indica. (f/8, 1/80, ISO-200, 37mm). - Els by E&e Lp
by: E&e Lp
Caloria indica. (f/8, 1/80, ISO-200, 37mm). - Els
Echeneis naucrates (live sharksucker). (f/5.6, 1/160, ISO... by E&e Lp
by: E&e Lp
Echeneis naucrates (live sharksucker). (f/5.6, 1/160, ISO-125, 50mm). - Erik
Portret of Gymnothorax meleagris (Turkey moray). (f/8, 1/... by E&e Lp
by: E&e Lp
Portret of Gymnothorax meleagris (Turkey moray). (f/8, 1/80, ISO-200, 42mm). - Els
Portret of Echidna nebulosa (snowflake moray) in a cave. ... by E&e Lp
by: E&e Lp
Portret of Echidna nebulosa (snowflake moray) in a cave. (f/8, 1/50, ISO-200, 25mm). - Els
Challenging subject hairy Shrimp !!
Juvenile Antennarius maculatus (warty frogfish) in its en... by E&e Lp
by: E&e Lp
Juvenile Antennarius maculatus (warty frogfish) in its environment. (f/5, 1/160, ISO-1250, 34mm, no strobe only torch). - Erik
Tender moments in sweet colours for Chromodoris joshi. (f... by E&e Lp
by: E&e Lp
Tender moments in sweet colours for Chromodoris joshi. (f/8, 1/80, ISO-200, 42mm, UCL-165 wet lens). - Els
Eubranchus sp. at Anilao with UCL-165 wet lens (f/8, 1/50... by E&e Lp
by: E&e Lp
Eubranchus sp. at Anilao with UCL-165 wet lens (f/8, 1/50, ISO-200, 25mm). - Els
Nudi mating
Ceratosoma gracillimum ready for a jump at Anilao, Philip... by E&e Lp
by: E&e Lp
Ceratosoma gracillimum ready for a jump at Anilao, Philippines. (f/8, 1/60, ISO-200, 33mm with UCL-165 wet lens). - Els
This is such a difficult subject-Hairy Shrimp as it constantly moving , and i had a tough time to get it in focus too.Hope its okay!!,
This image was captured just before i surfaced after a long dive!!
The Mushroom Coral Pipefish is a challenge to photograph, constantly darting in and out of the Mushroom tentacles.
A degree of luck is needed and loads of patience.
Sakuraeolis nungunoides
Anilao, Philippines
Mystique close-up of the eye and forehead of a orbicular ... by E&e Lp
by: E&e Lp
Mystique close-up of the eye and forehead of a orbicular burrfish (Cyclichthys orbicularis). One strobe. - Els
Pontonides ankeri on screwed whip coral. Dive light SeaLi... by E&e Lp
by: E&e Lp
Pontonides ankeri on screwed whip coral. Dive light SeaLife Sea Dragon 2000, no strobe. Inon UCL-165 wet lens. - Erik
Shot in Anilao. Main lighting comes from my buddy's torch... by E&e Lp
by: E&e Lp
Shot in Anilao. Main lighting comes from my buddy's torch. Shot with Inon UCL-165 wet lens - Els
One happy family smiling at the camera. Clownfish eggs. S... by E&e Lp
by: E&e Lp
One happy family smiling at the camera. Clownfish eggs. Shot with UCL-165 wet lens at Anilao, Philippines. - Els
Saddled Pufferfish (Canthigaster valentini) juvenile
Anemone bleaching
Bargibant's seahorse (Hippocampus bargibanti)
4095 Entries Found: Page 8  of  152

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