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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Cayman islands

3164 Entries Found: Page 10  of  118
Hey there...
Spinyhead blenny was almost as curious about my lens as I was about him.
Diving on the Kittiwake, I wanted to show a large portion of the bow, and how it fades off into the distance
A small shrimp traverses the colorful corallimorph on which it lives.
This tiny shrimp seems to be carrying a piece of the anemone it resides on.
Snorkeling at Spotts Beach, Grand Cayman.
Small shrimp on a brown anemone.
Diver over large pillar coral at Fish Tank in Grand Cayman's East End.
We were photographing a band of Pederson shrimp on a purple vase sponge when an Angel fish swam up and the shrimp got to work.
Inside the Chamber/USS KITTIWAKE/Grand Cayman,Canon 5D MarkIII, 8-15mm,Inon Z240*2, F8,1/200,ISO200
"The Chase"
A French grunt is framed as it peers out through a hole in a coral reef.
"Little Big Logger"
By far the youngest Loggerhead I have encountered. Still by no means is this a small turtle. Its shell was still roughly 3ft. in length.
Sting Ray City
A spotted cleaner shrimp spaces out on the tip of a purple anenome.
105mm with SMC
"Sand Castles"
A Spotted Eagle Ray digs in the sand in search of a meal.
"Two Way Street"
Southern Stingrays glide across the sandy bottom of the Sandbar.
No Photoshop. One of the MOST incredible days ever on Grand Cayman. I exposed so the white sand slightly overexposed the image. I pressed down onto the sand looking up so the pink of the conch reflected on the surface with the bright blue sky.
"That Face Though!"
Secretary blenny with shallow depth of field.
"Black Beauty"
This very large Black Grouper has been hanging out around the northwest point area of the island.
"Flight Position"
A Hawksbill Turtle makes big fins off the reef and towards the surface.
"Turtle Time"
A Hawksbill Turtle swims along the edge of the wall on the West Side of Grand Cayman. Very rarely do you not encounter one of these extremely friendly turtles, especially when diving the west side.
Yellow Sponge Tubes
Runner Up Monthly HotShots shortlistedShortlisted!

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
Great composition, angle and lighting
An arrow crab strikes a Shakespearean pose.
Dig | Eat | Swim
A Spotted Eagle Ray finishes off his Garden Eel snack as he takes flight.
Sand | Search | Swim
A Spotted Eagle Ray cruising inches above the sandy bottom in search of its next meal. Thanks for letting me fly with you.
"Permit Pack"
A very rare sighting for me here in Cayman. This is by far the biggest school of Permit I have encountered. After this initial shot, they swirled around me 3 times at rapid speed and then disappeared into the blue.
3164 Entries Found: Page 10  of  118

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