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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Oman

240 Entries Found: Page 6  of  9
This Hawksbill Turtle swam past just as I had taken a macro reef shot at F8, so the quick snap here looks like it was on a night dive, but it wasn't....¸> <((((º> .....Canon G9
Red-dotted Coral Crab (Trapezia cymodoce). During the day, they hide deep in the coral, like this one. At night they climb up to the edges and spread their arms to feed on plankton...¸> <((((º> ....Canon G9 & Inon UCL-165's
"Come nearer, I don't bite, well not that much". Buddy decides that is close enough for the shared portrait shot...¸> <((((º> ....Canon G9
Sohal (Acanthurus sohal)...¸> <((((º> ....Canon G9
Tube Dwelling Anemone.....¸> <((((º> .....Canon G9
"Hey lads, don't look now, but I think their is a spy amongst us".......¸> <((((º> .....Canon G9, RAW WB adjusted
A large Honeycomb Moray (Gymnothorax favagineus) coming out to say hi.......¸> <((((º> ....Canon G9
A close up on a Yellow Mouth Eel took it when I was in, Masandam \ Oman by Olympus C8080 WZ
Hypselodoris carnea out for a crawl on some kelp....¸> <((((º> ....Canon G9 & Inon UCL-165's
Glossodoris pallida, white to the eye, but when flashed the transparency and colours appear....¸> <((((º> .....Canon G9 & Inon UCL-165
This tiny coral crab (Cymo melanodactylus) is so fury, it's more like a teddy bear than a crab. It was nicely posed like this when I found it and didn't dive for cover when I started snapping away, like most critters do..¸> <((((º> ..Canon G9 & lenses
Just as I found this Fringed Blenny (Mimoblennius cirrosus) it darted in a hole and would only peep out every so often to see if I was still there. Which of course I was, since I wanted a close up shot. ...¸> <((((º> .....Canon G9 & Inon UCL-165's
Flatworm (Pseudoceros cf scintillatus) out for a crawl....¸> <((((º> ...Canon G9 & Inon UCL-165's
I think this Pixie Triplefin (Enneapterygius pusillus) on bed of green coral, needs some camouflage training....¸> <((((º> .....Canon G9 & Inon UCL-165
This friendly Smalescale Sandperch (Parapercis robinsoni) started to follow me and came right up to the camera. I think it was hoping that I would disturb the sand and it would find something to eat....¸> <((((º> .....Canon G9
A tiny but beautiful Thuridilla indopacifica...¸> <((((º> ....Canon G9 & stacked Inon UCL-165
Nudibranch (Hypselodoris carnea) posing nicely....¸> <((((º> .....Canon G9 & Inon UCL-165
Close enough to see the parasites above the nostrils on this Undulated Moray (Gymnothorax undulatus)..¸> <((((º> ...Canon G9 & stacked Inon UCL-165s
"Ahhh!, did the weed move for you dear?"...Mating Broad-stripe Cuttlefish (Sepia latimanus)...¸> <((((º> ....Canon G9 (internal flash & diffuser)
"Come on, smile"...Raggy Scorpionfish (Scorpaenopsis venosa)...¸> <((((º> ...Canon G9
This Rose Petal Bubble Shell (Hydatina physis) is the Marilyn Monroe of nudibranchs. "I wanna be loved by you, just you,
and nobody else but you, I wanna be loved by you, alone!
Boop-boop-de-boop!"..¸> <((((º> ..Canon G9 & Inon UCL-165
If you haven't seen or found one of these little Sphaeromatidaes when diving, then you haven't been looking closely enough. LOL! ..¸> <((((º> ...Canon G9 & stacked Inon UCL-165's
Nudibranchs enjoying a cuddle. (Chromodoris sp. 20 per Indo-Pacific Nudibranchs & Sea Slugs by Gosliner, Behrens & Valdés)...¸> <((((º> ...Canon G9 & stacked Inon UCL-165
Yellow Mouth Eel took it when I was in Masandam \ Oman by Olympus C8080 WZ
Fan Worm. Musandam. Canon 40D, sigma 50mm macro.
Close up on Scorpion fish
Pleace: Masandam \ Oman
by Olympus C-8080 WZ
"Mother nature" taken on a nikon d40 from a traditional dhow
in the fjordes in mussendam
240 Entries Found: Page 6  of  9

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