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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From The Andaman Sea

1602 Entries Found: Page 1  of  60
Andaman gobi_April 2024
(Canon100, 1/200, f11,iso100)
Phyllidiopsis krempfi nudibranch_April 2024
(Canon100, 1/200,f10,iso100)
Andaman gobi_April 2024
(Canon60, 1/200,f10,iso100)
Yaeyama blenny _April 2024
( Canon100, 1/200, f10, iso100)
Andaman gobi fish close up_April 2024
Micro life on the Andaman sea_Blenny fish_April 2024
Bluestriped Fangblenny ( Plagiotremus rhinorhynchos)_April 2024
It’s possible to find juvenile Samla bicolor nudibranch of less than 1cm! They are fast moving and relatively common on many of the dive sites in Andaman sea. (Canon100,1/200,f14,iso100)
Balanophyllia sp_Orange cup coral . Close up taken in the Andaman Sea . The mouth opening is closed_April 2024
(Canon60, 1/200,f9,iso100)
Underwater micro life. A curious gobi leans out of his little hole. Island-Andamans_April 2024
Whip coral fish_April 2024
Shining eyes for this beautiful coral gobi photographed during a dive in Andamans_April 2024
(Canon100, 1/200,f8,iso100)
Phyllidioosis xishaensis. This nudibranch has a white dorsum with four longitudinal black lines interspersed with raised ridges. It is a small Phyllidiid, growing to about 20 mm in length. Andamans_April 2024
Whip coral fish _April 2024
Coral fish_Andamans_April2024
Coral crab _Havelock Island_April 2024
(Canon60,1/200, f6.3,iso100)
Reticulidia suzanneae has typical yellow body, with raised white-yellow lattices enclosing black spots. Rhinophores yellow, lamellate, no gill tuft. Photographed during diving in Havelock island _April 2024
What splendid eyes these little gobies have! They hide in small crevices in rocks. They are shy but curious and it is easy to photograph them when they lean out to scrutinize the external environment. Havelock Is._April2024
Ghost shrimp photographed during shallow diving near Havelock island_Andamans_April2024
(Canon60, 1/200, f9,iso100)
Hermit crab_Havelock Island_April 2024
Sea horse in flowers
Sony a6600
Astronaut in the sea
A glass shrimp close up. Its beautiful eyes say me hello, I am here!Andamans_2023
(Canon100,1/200,f20, iso125)
I admit it: I like gobies. These amazing little fish when they are illuminated they show off bright colors on their little bodies. An assortment of beautiful metallic blue spots, bright red-orange lines, bars, & others.
Another photo of this small creature that roams the rocky terrain of Havelock Is. named Bedford's Flatworm , or Persian rug. It’s beauty is not only in how it looks but also in how it moves. Beautiful evolutions!
Microlife on the Andamans reef.Here we see a beautiful Blenny close-up . Abundant and highly biodiverse, these species mature early, produce many offspring and they are a vital food source for other marine creatures.
"Good morning! "seems to say this little goby met at the end of my last dive in the Andamans. I take it as a goodbye and look forward to coming back here very soon_Feb 2023
1602 Entries Found: Page 1  of  60

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