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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From The South China Sea

4070 Entries Found: Page 19  of  151
Two Dragon Shrimps (Miropandalus hardingi)
Anilao, Philippines
Nudibranch Cyerce bourbonica
Lemon gobies (Lubricogobius exiguus)
Anilao, Philippines
Nudibranch Melibe Colemani
Zanzibar Whip Coral Shrimp
(Dasycaris zanzibarica)
Anilao, Philippines
Flying sea turtle
QA inspection before product release
Banded pipefish carrying eggs
Cyerce sp.4
Naughty turtle
Shoal Fever.. !
Smoothtailed Trevally - Selaroides leptolepis
Sail Rock, Thailand
Anemonefish eggs
Tiny Commensal Shrimp with eggs in a tube sponge.
Anilao, Philippines.
Just Fish - Chevron Barracuda - Sphyraena qenie - Sail Rock, Thailand
Green sea turtle
Not a very rare fish but I like it.
..the masks that the monsters wear.. PH
Chevron Barracuda - Sphyraena qenie
Sail Rock, Thailand
Chalice coral surface.
Actually on this small green branch there were 4 nudies from the same type. But I guess this is the best photo from this encounter.
Hairy Frogfish in Lembeh
Multi-colored Polychaeta worms.
Christmas Tree Worm shot in January off the West coast of Koh Chang Island
It's a trap!
Big Eye Snapper - Lutjanus lutjanus
Sail Rock, Thailand
Makin love. Nembotha lineolata, mating.
No, man, I'm Dave, man. ...
Malabar Grouper - Epinephelus malabaricus
Sail Rock, Thailand
Big Eye Travely - Caranx sexfasciatus
Sail Rock, Thailand
Variable Fangblenny Blenny - Petroscirtes Variabilis
Ang Thong, Thailand
4070 Entries Found: Page 19  of  151

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