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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From The Pacific

9591 Entries Found: Page 7  of  356
Home sweet home_a nice tube blenny peering out of its house hole on the bottom of the sea_Majahuitas dive site_Vallarta_2022
(Canon 100mm,t1/250, f/16, iso 125)
Took this while visiting a new dive site! The site is known for its unique wall structure, my buddy spotted this one for me as it was on the ledge of the wall that I can easily get a head shot while removing background to really pop the subject!
Pink Telja nudibranch_2022
(Canon 100mm,t1/250,f/18,iso100)
Hypsoblennius invemar (Tessellated blenny)_2022
(Canon 100mm,t1/250,f/20,iso160)
Pink Telja nudibranch_2022
( Canon 60 mm, t1/200, f/20,iso100)
Perfect mimetism for this specimen of Achaeus Japonicus_P.V._2022
(Canon100mm,t1/250,f/20,iso 160)
Tambja abdere nudibranch (with little shrimp on the back)_P.V._2022
(Canon 60 mm,t1/200,f/20, iso 200)
A beautiful goby with crest disheveled by the current_Puerto Vallarta_2022
(Canon 60mm,t1/200,f/20,iso 200)
check out the shark on fin
Soft coral close up_2022
Goby profile_Los Arcos dive site_Puerto Vallarta_2022
(Canon100mm ,t1/250,f/20,iso160)
Dirona albolineata - I shot this very carefully by waiting for the moment and positioning myself in order to capture the beauty of their cerata! Using sea weed as background also helped to pop the subject
Final RoundThrough to 2022 awards final round judging
Threes Company
Silver Medal Silver Medal 2022

Final RoundThrough to 2022 awards final round judging
This shot was taken using big aperture for nice bokeh effect. This sea lemon was crawling on bunch of barnacles, it was relatively shallow compare to the rest of the dive, so there was good amount of natural light for the background color!
Elacatinus puncticulatus_2022
(Canon100mm, t1/250, f/20, iso 125)
Los Arcos_P.V._2022
(Canon 60mm,t1/200,f/20,iso200)
Sculpin fish_2022
(Canon100mm,t1/250, f/20,iso125)
Soft coral close up_2022
(Canon60 mm, t1/200, f/20,iso 200)
Elysia diomedea nudibranch_2022
Doriprismatica sedna nudibranch_2022
(Canon60 mm, t1/200,f/20,iso100)
Mexican tube blenny looking out from its lair_2022
(Canon 100mm,t1/250, f/18,iso125)
Tylodina perversa nudibranch_P.V._2022
(Canon 100mm,t1/250,f/22,iso160)
Pink Telja nudibranch close up _P.Vallarta_2022
Red head goby( Elacatinus puncticulatus)_P.V._ 2022
(Canon 100mm,t1/250,f/20,iso 125)
Pink Telja nudibranch_2022
(Canon 60 mm,t1/200,f/18,iso 100)
nudibranch taken in Los Arcos_Puerto Vallarta_ 2022
(Canon 100mm,t1/250, f/20,iso160)
While on a freedive over a popular reef in Hawaii, a few Galapagos sharks came to investigate. This one passed right below, which allowed me to get this top down profile shot.
9591 Entries Found: Page 7  of  356

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