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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Indonesia

18785 Entries Found: Page 5  of  696
Volcanic landscape @ Tulamben Bali
Was thrilled to catch this Shaun of the Sheep on my first try! Super small, but at least they don't move too fast once you find one. Sony RX100M7, Nautical housing, SMC-1, Sea and Sea YS-D3 dual strobes
the napoleon sea snake
Zenopontonia rex take with snoote
Periclimenes Colemani on on the fire urchin
yellow goby with eggs in the bottle
Porcelian Crab
Costasiella sp. & Bunodeopsis sharing land on algae
late night photos in komodo
Group of Carangi taken almost on the surface, with the sky reflected on the surface.
Nembrotha chamberlaini
Red Bali card
Hairy octopus
Manta Shrimp @ Tulamben Bali
Dasycaris zanzibarica
Seahorse with colored lighting. Transparencies
Phycocaris sp.
Ladybug Amphipod, approx 2mm long, photographed with Olympus TG6 and Backscatter Miniflash with snoot.
Spotted in Komodo national park, this was the only one willing to sit still in the light as they are usually very skittish.
Runner Up Monthly HotShots
Wunderpus photogenicus larvae
Wobbegong shark in a coral bowl, Raja Ampat
Costasiella sp.
Phycocaris simulans
Clown fish and anemone
love hug
Whip Coral Shrimp on its coral during a dive in Tulamben, bali.
Sargassum frog fish. Lembeh strait .
18785 Entries Found: Page 5  of  696

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