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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From The Gulf Of Mexico

1322 Entries Found: Page 7  of  49
french angel with coral heads and sponges
Crab by coral Heads
Diver and Mantas/Roca Paritida,Mexico
Picture taken at Punta Sur, Isla Mujeres
Snorkeling on Sunset Reef on the East Side of Grand Cayman while ice and snow covered the ground back home in Atlanta, Georgia.
"Old Man and the Sea" part of my Underwater Surrealism body of work. Image is referencing Ernest Hemingway's famous novel by the same name.
Final RoundThrough to 2017 awards final round judging
Bridgespan Blenny
Close up shot of soft coral munching on the passing plankton. When observed from a distance these colonies look like stalks in the water, but when you get nice and close you can see the beautiful hidden organization.
A Stoplight Parrotfish (Initial Phase) brightens up the water column in Cozumel, Mexico.
Arrow Crab in the Star, Veracruz México
Into the Blue/Giant Manta/ Socorro, Mexico/Canon 5D MarkIII, 16-35mm lens,F16,1/200,ISO200
Squid family, Veracruz México
Squid colors, Veracruz México
Puertos Morelos in Mexico diving. The low season so not many diving. Currents can be quick at time so pay attention to your buddy.
Squid Flow in Black, Veracruz México
At the beach
~ Basking ~
family Squid, Veracruz México
Arrow Crab in shadow, Veracruz Mexico
What better way to finish off a dive than a Hawksbill passing within an arms length.
Lovely first dive of the day!
Snorkeling with American crocs in Chinchorro, Mexico
Juv. Pufferfish
Sailfin Blenny guarding his territory.
Juvenile Razorfish
Fairy Basslet at Sunset House in Grand Cayman
Turtle posing
1322 Entries Found: Page 7  of  49

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