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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Maldives

3040 Entries Found: Page 5  of  113
School of Juveniles bright yellow with dark bars Golden Trevally (Gnathanodon speciosus) accompany Tawny nurse shark (Nebrius ferrugineus)
Manta Ray Cleaning Station
Windows into the soul.
Baby shark doo doo doo
Tiny coral hermit crab! Living in an abandoned Christmas tree worm tube.
Baby blacktop in the shallow
Underwater yoga master
Longfin batfish and snorkler.
Tiny tawny babynurseshark
Coral and Color...
Sunset paddle
Sunset paddle
"Reminiscent of the Fall" this school of humpback red snapper moved like the red fall leaves of a tree.
soft coral
Little hawksfish
The big mouth.
South Atholl. Suadiva
Nikon D800E , 17-35mm
Moray and stingray
hey dude!
Jetty life
snapper blur, slow exposure of 1 /10th and a camera turn
palm beach lhavani atoll
Krásné odpoledne pod vodou.
Anthias and blue streaked cleaner wrasse
Bluestriped snappers
Peacock Mantis shrimp
Manta getting cleaned while sweetlips and squirrelfish hang around. perfect scene in the Maldives
seagrass meadow
3040 Entries Found: Page 5  of  113

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