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2007/08 Medal Winners

Winners medal

Winning here (or even just being placed) is Underwater Photography's most coveted accolade because it says you succeeded in the most competitive environment there is, against the top talent of the moment.

Every year a panel of judges select the best images entered in our online photo contest from the previous year. Gold, silver, and bronze medals are awarded for the top three from each category in order of merit.

The judges comprise of industry professionals, previous year's World Champions, our site moderators - anyone we can rope in! They are unpaid, non-affiliated, and (of course) cannot vote for themselves.

You may not agree with the judges. You may think you have 'better shots' at home - prove it! Enter this year's contest.

World Champion 2007/08
The judges award the photographer who submits the most consistent and complete portfolio over the year World Champion. Other photographers of distinction are awarded Grand Master.

winnerThe overall 2007/08 World Champion is...

Over/Under (shots half topside, half U/W)

shots that cross the surface boundary (so under/overs like Snells Window too)


Gold Medal Winner
Over/Under (shots half topside, half U/W)

camel's safari

Location: Egypt


Silver Medal Winner
Over/Under (shots half topside, half U/W)
profile Stewart Smith United Kingdom

this shot was taken during a surface interval at sipadan. whilst looking for some soft coral to use as my underside subject i stumbled across this great barracuda being cleaned by wrasse in 3 foot of water

Location: Malaysia


Bronze Medal Winner
Over/Under (shots half topside, half U/W)
profile Victor Zucker United States

practice o/u of my labrador in our pool

Location: United States

Runner Ups
Over/Under (shots half topside, half U/W)
Andrew Mckaskle
United States
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Mark Thomas
United Kingdom
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Derek Haslam
United Kingdom
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Petra Kuzev
United Kingdom
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Wide Angle - Natural Light (no strobe)

shots taken using ambient light i.e. unlit by flash or continuous lighting like HID but filters on the lens are allowed if declared


Gold Medal Winner
Wide Angle - Natural Light (no strobe)


Location: Greece


Silver Medal Winner
Wide Angle - Natural Light (no strobe)
profile Jason Taylor United Kingdom

Vicissitudes. 26 life size statues of children in grenada.weighing 6 tons and covering 25sq metres.Aiming to create a artificial reef after tropical storm damage.

Location: Grenada


Bronze Medal Winner
Wide Angle - Natural Light (no strobe)

Dos Ojos Cenote. Snorkellers from downearth. Natural Light

Location: Mexico

Runner Ups
Wide Angle - Natural Light (no strobe)
Jane Morgan
United Kingdom
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Ray Eccleston
United States
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Penny Murphy
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Wide Angle - Wrecks

anything man-made that is sunk including cars, tanks, planes etc. - oh and ships!


Gold Medal Winner
Wide Angle - Wrecks

Ships Telegraph - Chuuk/Truk Lagoon.

Location: Micronesia


Silver Medal Winner
Wide Angle - Wrecks

Flying Dutch

Location: Spain


Bronze Medal Winner
Wide Angle - Wrecks

Wreck of the Gaskin, in the St. Lawrence River just off Brockville, Ontario. Nikonos V, 12mm Sea & Sea lens on manual exposure in natural light with 800 ASA film.

Location: Canada

Runner Ups
Wide Angle - Wrecks
Mike Clark
United Kingdom
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Stuart Ganz
United States
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Wide Angle - Divers

Divers doing what divers do - underwater or on the surface


Gold Medal Winner
Wide Angle - Divers
profile Michael Shope United States

Dive Master and Mr. Big

Location: Ecuador


Silver Medal Winner
Wide Angle - Divers
profile Mike Clark United Kingdom

Diver viewing vibrant sunstar. nikon d70 with 10.5mm lens. St. Abbs Scotland

Location: United Kingdom


Bronze Medal Winner
Wide Angle - Divers

The onlooker

Location: Maldives

Runner Ups
Wide Angle - Divers

Wide Angle - Marine Life

wide angle shots with no divers in frame


Gold Medal Winner
Wide Angle - Marine Life
profile Geoff Spiby South Africa

white shark incoming Gans Bay South Africa

Location: South Africa


Silver Medal Winner
Wide Angle - Marine Life

"Turtle Time" shot in Sipadan, South Point, spring 2007

Location: Malaysia


Bronze Medal Winner
Wide Angle - Marine Life

Whale Shark

Location: Mexico

Runner Ups
Wide Angle - Marine Life
Jeannette Howard
United States
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Mike Clark
United Kingdom
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Macro - not swimming

Smaller subjects typically 1 to 3 inches (2.5 to 7.5cm) shot on macro settings or with macro equipment that are NOT MOVING usually on the bottom (i.e. between 1:1 and 1:3)


Gold Medal Winner
Macro - not swimming
profile Brian Mayes United Kingdom

From Tenerife, one of a sequence of photos showing a Lizardfish catching and swallowing an Ornate Wrasse alive. The photos had to be taken in between bouts of thrashing by the Lizardfish. The whole sequence can be seen on my Flickr site.

Location: Spain


Silver Medal Winner
Macro - not swimming

photo by sipadan.. CASIO EX-Z1000; 8mm;F/5.6;1/60sec 2007/09/08 12:26

Location: Taiwan


Bronze Medal Winner
Macro - not swimming
profile Aza Taza Malaysia

loving couple.... Olympus C5060, Puerto Galera.

Location: Philippines

Runner Ups
Macro - not swimming
Victor Zucker
United States
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Brian Mayes
United Kingdom
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Macro - swimming

Smaller subjects typically 1 to 3 inches (2.5 to 7.5cm) shot on macro settings or with macro equipment that are in MID WATER not touching anything (i.e. between 1:1 and 1:3)


Silver Medal Winner
Macro - swimming
profile Nikki Van Veelen South Africa

Clownfish and sunburst taken at Campsite 3, Ras Mohamed Park with E300.

Location: Egypt


Bronze Medal Winner
Macro - swimming

Truly Free and Swimming. A very rare opportunity, caught in a split second for all to see - Blue Ring Octopus. Nikon D2x,105mm lens, 125th F29, Hartenberger strobes, manually exposed.

Location: Malaysia

Runner Ups
Macro - swimming
Jim Chambers
United States
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Yves Antoniazzo
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Creative - Manipulated (Photoshopped)

Shots that have been digitally edited outside of the camera for creative reasons (not brightness/contrast etc.) in a program like PhotoShop


Gold Medal Winner
Creative - Manipulated (Photoshopped)
profile Larissa Roorda United States

Mystic Clown

Location: Fiji


Silver Medal Winner
Creative - Manipulated (Photoshopped)

Magritte style

Location: Ireland


Bronze Medal Winner
Creative - Manipulated (Photoshopped)

Alien... composition of a Gonionemus murbachii and the eyes of a lemon sole, Microstomus kitt. Looks a little eerie :-) Nikon D200 in Nexus housing.

Location: Norway

Runner Ups
Creative - Manipulated (Photoshopped)

Topside (above water but marine related)

shots above the surface. Can be on land but with relevance to the marine environment


Gold Medal Winner
Topside (above water but marine related)

From Tavolara to Golfo Aranci (6 miles) in two hours: a true torpedo! Canon 400D with 75-300 lens

Location: Italy


Silver Medal Winner
Topside (above water but marine related)

Photo is taken in Florida with Nikon D80

Location: United States


Bronze Medal Winner
Topside (above water but marine related)
profile Andrew Mckaskle United States

Minneapolis bridge recovery Navy diver surfaces after rigging car off the bottom of the Mississippi River.

Location: United States

Runner Ups
Topside (above water but marine related)

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