Shot Movement
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Skip Navigation LinksHome : Video course : Module 3: Underwater Video basics : Shot Movement

image courtesy of photo contest - copyright Nicholas Samaras Beware shot movement generally but some moves can be used sparingly

  • Pan  A shot taken moving on a horizontal plane (from left to right, right to left).
  • Tilt Camera movement in a vertical plane. (up or down) If you want to show a dive boat and reef but you can't get it all in your shot, you might start at the bottom and go up to the surface.
  • Zoom This shot brings you closer to the subject. For example, from a Wide Shot to a Medium Shot or Close Shot. If you are looking at the reef, and you want to see individual fish you might zoom in.
  • Reverse Zoom This shot moves you farther away from the subject. For example, from a Close Shot to Medium Shot or a Wide Shot. If you have a Close Up shot of a coral, and want to see the entire reef, you can reverse zoom.

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