Freshwater Diving
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Collapse Module 1: CamcordersModule 1: Camcorders
Collapse Module 2: Video HousingsModule 2: Video Housings
Collapse Module 3: Underwater Video basicsModule 3: Underwater Video basics
Collapse Module 4: Lighting UnderwaterModule 4: Lighting Underwater
Collapse Module 5: On LocationModule 5: On Location
Collapse Module 6: StrategyModule 6: Strategy
Collapse Module 7:  CompositionModule 7: Composition
Collapse Module 7: EditingModule 7: Editing
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Skip Navigation LinksHome : Video course : Module 5: On Location : Freshwater Diving

Freshwater dive sites are also accessible from the shore and, although more usually associated with training, should not be ignored. Whilst never rivalling the sea for colour and diversity of life, freshwater can nevertheless produce some interesting images. For the landlocked diver freshwater diving provides an invaluable opportunity to get in the water with your kit to practice shooting video.

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