Video Glossary
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Collapse Video courseVideo course
Collapse Module 1: CamcordersModule 1: Camcorders
Collapse Module 2: Video HousingsModule 2: Video Housings
Collapse Module 3: Underwater Video basicsModule 3: Underwater Video basics
Collapse Module 4: Lighting UnderwaterModule 4: Lighting Underwater
Collapse Module 5: On LocationModule 5: On Location
Collapse Module 6: StrategyModule 6: Strategy
Collapse Module 7:  CompositionModule 7: Composition
Collapse Module 7: EditingModule 7: Editing
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Full Range Autofocus LensA lens that, whilst in autofocus mode, allows focusing from less than a inch to infinity
FTP softwareFile Transfer Protocol software is used for uploading and downloading files over the Internet
FrameThe picture area
Flying Erase HeadsSpinning magnetic heads that allows you to start then pause then start recording again without causing any video noise, distortion etc.
Flat PortA flat glass or plastic port that fits onto the front of the video housing
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