Video Glossary
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Collapse Video courseVideo course
Collapse Module 1: CamcordersModule 1: Camcorders
Collapse Module 2: Video HousingsModule 2: Video Housings
Collapse Module 3: Underwater Video basicsModule 3: Underwater Video basics
Collapse Module 4: Lighting UnderwaterModule 4: Lighting Underwater
Collapse Module 5: On LocationModule 5: On Location
Collapse Module 6: StrategyModule 6: Strategy
Collapse Module 7:  CompositionModule 7: Composition
Collapse Module 7: EditingModule 7: Editing
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MS(medium shot) The MS is used to identify and explore characters, to transition to much closer shots, and emphasize a point
MotherboardAn electronic board containing the main functional elements of a computer upon which other components can be connected
MonochromeBlack and white images
MonitorA television that has inputs and outputs to allow playback direct from a camcorder or VHS
MnLiMagnesium lithium. Rechargeable battery type
MixerCombining several audio or video inputs into one
maskmasks can be attached to layers to protect areas from editing changes. Masks can be saved as alpha channels.
marching antsthe animated effect of a moving dashed line used to denote the edge of a selection
Map ShotA downward wide angle view
Macro ModeA setting on the camcorder that allows standard lenses to focus from less than and inch to approximately 1.2 metres.
10 Entries Found

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