Video Glossary
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Collapse Video courseVideo course
Collapse Module 1: CamcordersModule 1: Camcorders
Collapse Module 2: Video HousingsModule 2: Video Housings
Collapse Module 3: Underwater Video basicsModule 3: Underwater Video basics
Collapse Module 4: Lighting UnderwaterModule 4: Lighting Underwater
Collapse Module 5: On LocationModule 5: On Location
Collapse Module 6: StrategyModule 6: Strategy
Collapse Module 7:  CompositionModule 7: Composition
Collapse Module 7: EditingModule 7: Editing
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NTSCNational Television Systems Committee The color television system used in the USA, Canada, and Japan.
Nose roomThe space in front, and in the direction, of moving or stationary subjects.
Normal LensA lens where the angle of view approximately represents that of the human eye
Nonlinear editingComputerised editing where images are then stored on the hard drive
Non-destructive editingAn editing approach that doesn’t alter the original pixels in a photo throughout the enhancement process. Typically used for Raw processing or in techniques that make use of Smart Object technology
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