Video Glossary
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Collapse Video courseVideo course
Collapse Module 1: CamcordersModule 1: Camcorders
Collapse Module 2: Video HousingsModule 2: Video Housings
Collapse Module 3: Underwater Video basicsModule 3: Underwater Video basics
Collapse Module 4: Lighting UnderwaterModule 4: Lighting Underwater
Collapse Module 5: On LocationModule 5: On Location
Collapse Module 6: StrategyModule 6: Strategy
Collapse Module 7:  CompositionModule 7: Composition
Collapse Module 7: EditingModule 7: Editing
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Adobe Camera Rawa program in Adobe creative Suite for editing RAW files
Adjustment Layeran adjustment to the image saved as a special type of layer
ADCAnalog to Digital Converter (ADC).
ACRAdobe Camera Raw (a program in Adobe creative Suite for editing RAW files)
A/D ConverterA device that converts analog information (a photograph or video frame) into a series of numbers that a computer can store and manipulate. All digicams use an A/D converter, the higher the bit rate the better the output. Modern hi-res digicams employ a 12-bit or 14-bit A/D to increase the dynamic range (range of light from highlight to shadow)
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