Video Glossary
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Collapse Module 1: CamcordersModule 1: Camcorders
Collapse Module 2: Video HousingsModule 2: Video Housings
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Pan (Panning) The movement of a film or video camera (rotating on a vertical axis)
PalmCorderA Camcorder which can sit on the palm of the hand.
PaletteA special dialog with a specialised editing purpose. By default palettes appear screen right. They can be stacked with others palettes and docked. Choose the palette name in the Window menu to open it. To show or hide all palettes, press shortcut Shift + Tab.
PALPhase Alternating Line. The color television system used in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.
OverlapTwo shots that look like they have been taken at the same time on two camcorders
Options bara menu with context sensitive commands for the active tool that appears (by default) screen top left below the main menu
OptimizeThe process of fine-tuning the file size and display quality of an image or image slice destined for the web
ODROutput Device Resolution. The number of ink dots per inch of paper produced by the printer
NTSCNational Television Systems Committee The color television system used in the USA, Canada, and Japan.
Nose roomThe space in front, and in the direction, of moving or stationary subjects.
Normal LensA lens where the angle of view approximately represents that of the human eye
Nonlinear editingComputerised editing where images are then stored on the hard drive
Non-destructive editingAn editing approach that doesn’t alter the original pixels in a photo throughout the enhancement process. Typically used for Raw processing or in techniques that make use of Smart Object technology
MS(medium shot) The MS is used to identify and explore characters, to transition to much closer shots, and emphasize a point
MotherboardAn electronic board containing the main functional elements of a computer upon which other components can be connected
MonochromeBlack and white images
MonitorA television that has inputs and outputs to allow playback direct from a camcorder or VHS
MnLiMagnesium lithium. Rechargeable battery type
MixerCombining several audio or video inputs into one
maskmasks can be attached to layers to protect areas from editing changes. Masks can be saved as alpha channels.
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